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Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
who paritcipates=?@CRiSPrGrow, @DudeGrowsWeed, @OutForReal, @Experiment Green, @Stick.....a lot of Good Answers to award
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Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@OutForReal, that's ok, cheers to buying some tnb, and cheers to how pretty the bud pics are on the ripper logo. They looked like some very pretty plants.
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OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen, Hey looks like the TNB pack is only for the Diary of the month and only the Ripper seeds for the GOTM but 5 packs instead of 3 👍
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Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, I'd be down to test out some TNB...they've got some very cool products. Lets end this year with a bang. Hopefully everyone's got some questions...i know i do. ✌️💚🎄🎁
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DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
Let the madness begin...
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, heyyy dude cmon man, what i think it is is just growing pains , gd is new technology even today! As brands and innovative businesses like valhallas, shaggy, and hightv join they'll eventually displace folks like us and elevate the discourse while making gd inevitable. Most of the stress is because certain folks "depend on" freebies that they otherwise cant afford and they're feeling the "pressure" from these new entrants - i welcome the shift and I welcome the "gong show", i think of it as the pain from ripping a band aid off, underneath will be a new and improved gd with all these top class growers

DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
This is starting to suck 😔
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MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, 😂😂😂😂
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DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
Can’t we all just smoke some weed and stay positive? This monthly bitch fest is getting old.
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, good thing we have naked buds to get at each other's... **ahem**... throats !
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Tryhardcommented6 years ago
Man I love these grower of the month comps when I'm bored I nip on here your guarteed every month some one arguing. I get the pop corn out have a good nosey
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Tryhardcommented6 years ago
@HighTV,just seeds mate I can get access to but not nutrients and things like that and some of the awesome rewards they offer I think when some one puts 3 to 5 months on a grow update it every week post pictures. Then for some one who answer questions for a a month should get same prizes like you said it don't make sense and mate you should of seen 2017 before the changes to all the competition people with everything they could possible want but they still were cheating. I didn't enter my last five harvest in to diary of the month I didn't think they were good enough I use to enter for the medal but now I couldn't care less if I place or don't. This site has so many benefits to offer to every one who grows and being a part of that is awesome
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@HighTV, @tryhard totally up for trying an honor / glory only format , let's see if the real are separated from the needy 👊🏻 main thing is folks should get the help they need though !
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HighTVcommented6 years ago
@@@@Tryhard_grower_grower @CRiSPrGrow Honestly just the Trophy case addition should be good enough. Correct me if i'm wrong, but most of the people entering these competitions already have access to sponsor genetics of some kind and are in it for the victory. No prizes are really needed and prize being the same value as DOTM doesn't make much sense.
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ShaggyGrowercommented6 years ago
Good luck to everyone this month, especially those who have been saving answers to be dropped this month - nice planning!
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ShaggyGrowercommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks. If not this time, then another as I have a stack of unpublished grows to publish (they're nicely curing). Did my grows individually based on my misunderstanding of how many diaries I could enter in a comp each month, so I'll have to release them individually monthly, which is going to take quite a few months.
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@ShaggyGrower, yeah man, tell you what i'm rooting for you ! 🚀
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ShaggyGrowercommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Yup, totally misunderstood your comment, "i made separate diaries so i could get 3 in a month 😂 first-time grower problems"
Now I understand. As a new grower you could enter three competitions (which include the New Grower comp'). Subsequently you could only enter two (Diary & Grower, not Newbie).
I had initially understood you had entered three diaries into Diary of the Month. I had initially thought this was possible as the rules say only one diary win per person, so I though a person could enter multiple diaries for the Monthly comp but could only win one prize (and not say 3 even his their 3 diaries where in the top 10).
A agree this Grower comp' is just having other growers mark a question as having been answered best by an individual in a certain month. The question does not need to be asked, or answered, on the Month in question, only marked as Selected by the diary owner. A Most Selected Answers monthly comp' and all good now I think I understand the actual criteria.
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FrostyGardenscommented6 years ago
@bulbi has my vote. He may not be an expert per say. But he is very willing to share the knowledge he does have. Which seems to be quite a bit.... Every journal I look at hes there lol. Keep it up bro
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@FrostyGardens, haha yeah man thanks !
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OutForRealcommented6 years ago
Good luck to every participants ✌️
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RipperSeedscommented6 years ago
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HighTVcommented6 years ago
@RipperSeeds, Has this happened?

Stickcommented6 years ago
@RipperSeeds, Thanks a lot 👊

MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
Good luck everyone , n remember it's all good fun . NO PERIOD PADS BEING DRAWN AT DAWN 😂😂😂😂😂 ( lady growers will get my meaning lol )
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MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, tena ladies 😂😂😂 p.s in Yorkshire we call em piss pads lol
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TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen, and then there’s the follow up! I’m gonna need 2 of those😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, quick! Get the period pads! 💚😂😂😂
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HighTVcommented6 years ago
Good luck to everyone =D May the best answers win!
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@HighTV, I've learnt a fair few concepts and techniques from your answers bro, very interesting contributions coming out of the Info-channel on @HighTV - imma stay chunned ! 👊
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FrostyGardenscommented6 years ago
I dont get how to join this...
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, You're here to bring peace my ass , and i laugh at your diaries cause your plants are hurtin and trust me they are super hurtin like i said in my time on this website you have killed more plants then i have my whole life . You claim to be a master grower yet you're trash but judge everyone elses grow's like your some super master which YOU ARE FAR FROM. You're ranked 14th grower on this web site LMAO LMAO I can think of 100's of growers on this website that should replace you as that rank . You probly got fake accounts to like your own shit thats why you got 3000 likes . You're actually a waste of time and energry but i cant help but put people like you in you're places because people like you need it . You wanted to start a beef with me and now that i turned the heat up on you , you wanna complain and play victim LMAO LMAO nah thats not how this works you dont get to trash someone and then expect nothing to happen to you , its called karma . Something you're getting full force right now . Maybe if you said sorry for making shit up about me and trying to spread lies all over this platform about me I wouldnt be talking to you like this , I dont have to hide anything I say cause I keep it real something you know nothing about talking shit and playing mrs split personality behind a screen .
You want me to be at peace with you apologise for the bullshit you spread around on here about me in a public post . Otherwise you're going to get this kinda attitude every single time i run into you because its what you deserve for being a shady lady . Cause in case you haven't notice you're the only person I talk to like this on this platform , I respect everyone until shown disrespect like you have shown me . So go play victim somewhere else cause to me the only snake in the grass that i see here is you .
-Happy Growing!

Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@The_Projexx,Ive really tried hard to Ignore you. its nearly impossible. Ive been talking to you in private, never publishing your bad Behaviours. but i forgive you your hating, bad talking , and throwing dirt. I forgive you to do weired postings on my diaries. I forgive you to talk Shit here.
In my Job i got to do enough with " special People" and I really dont want to do it here. Its my Garden Eden. And I forgive you that you are The Snake in here. I wont answer again to any of you Postings again. Iam in Peace here and thats how it should be. Peace and Love to everyone, even to You
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HighTVcommented6 years ago
@FrostyGardens, Did you ever figure it out?
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The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
Congrats to the winners ! You all did a good job keep up the great work.
-Happy Growing!
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Athoscommented6 years ago
I think this is one of the toughest months yet.
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Wy_growzcommented6 years ago
Good luck everyone 😁
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ClubRiotcommented6 years ago
Hello everybody! maybe it's not the perfect place to ask this question but who can recommend a fertilizer base for coco? is the first time I try coco growth and I want to hear your opinion on a quality fertilizer for coco-grown automatic strains. thank you, greetings👍🙏
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TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
@ClubRiot, I’d tell you to run botanicare but you already know I biased😉. I’ve heard good things about canna coco as well. Best of luck dude👍👊
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ClubRiotcommented6 years ago
@OutForReal, thanks bro! 🙏👌
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OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@ClubRiot,I've seen great results with GHE Flora series and the Lucas formula feeding schedule. It's cheap but It's Mosanto 😒
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
not too early to call this one i think : congrats to @HighTV for an absolutely killer run 🙌 respect 🙌
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MrElkontcommented6 years ago
🤔Hope they picked me
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CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
if all further answers are awarded to @hightv will we have 5 winners this month ? 🙏 i like that !

CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@HighTV, this is a bad joke btw 😂😅😂😅😂😅😂

CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@HighTV, would be too easy for me to take it if that were the case 😂😂😂 BIG difference between helping folks out and max yielding in the real world lol

HighTVcommented6 years ago
There will be a 3 way grow-off winner takes all lmao
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