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Grower of the Month October 2018

Prizes shipped worldwide by sponsors
22 Growers participating
6 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • THREE winners



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MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
Aww come on guys , no need for all bitching n shit . You all do fab with helping novice growers like myself . I agree GD needs to rethink this type of competition and rules ect but in the scheme of it , it's just light hearted fun for us growers n shouldn't be taken so seriously n cause bad blood btween any of us . Peace n goodwill to all you fine herbalists 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420,It aint about competition are u kidding me im not even joining GOTM anymore its more about staying in your lane
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, its a " Boy thing" you know every lil contest is a "warzone" they take it very serious. I just lean back watch it and grin.....
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
TLDR some suggestions to help folks do better at helping people with questions. just a couple of suggestions for the GotM, but first some context. Context: More than a few people have said they're still a bit embarrassed to ask grow questions, so maybe just have them in a drop down. The main problem i can tell is from folks that choose a grow question answer before they really do anything, awarding the point to the person that answers the fastest. This is an unfortunate "skew" towards insomniacs and others that may not have the best quality answer. So the time it takes to "get" a question is shorter than the time it takes to pursue a solution which means takes a while to see the real, truthful answer. This happens very very often, see my 10 gal gorilla with all the grow questions especially the first one. Suggestion: the best would be for grow question askers to ask a question, receive their (confidential?) answers in their drop down menu, and get a prompt the next week's update if the problem is resolved to choose the answer that was followed. here's two cents don't spend it all on seeds 😉😘
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,😂😂😂😂 I got faith in ya ol gal👍👍👍👍👍
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@MUDBUG, pssshhh i killed 3 no 4? Just getting started this summer season. Haha and i half killed the survivors every day of the year. How i managed to wind up with anything was seriously hilariously amazing. I just had a shit load of good luck and a few good grow sources. And i aint no quiter!
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,🤣🤣🤣🤣If u only knew how many plants ive killed over the years🤯🤯🤯🤯thats how u learn ive got a F$$K UP OF THE YEAR AWARD already (i have to watch my mouth) at least u honest about it 🤩🤩🤩🤩📸📸📸📸📸
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HighRoller909commented6 years ago
Some people are just hunting for grow questions (no offense)
mad_scientistcommented6 years ago
I won the previous GOTM and i am very glad about that but i am also very disappointed from this contest. There were many things i didn't like about it. I didn't want to say anything during the contest because i didn't want to influence any of the contenders but now that the contest has over i feel i can start bitching 😇😎. First thing that i don't like is to competing people that instead of writing answers they copy paste a link. I was giving a lot of effort and time to write down the answers and i don't think it's cool to loose points from a copy paste link. Second i don't like to see people getting points from questions like " what do you all think of Musk smoking a spliff/blunt with Joe Rogani " and there are a lot of questions like this. Personally i would never answer that to take a point but that's just me.Third it is very obvious that friendships and politics has a lot to do with this contest. For example there was a grower asking if he should cut a damaged leaf. I wrote him what to do and why me and a bunch of other growers. Among the answers there was someone who wrote "i think you know what to do with that leaf, but man what a nice grow chamber...." and he took the point.....Fourth i don't like seeing people giving answers like " great harvest " at 5 month old questions at diaries that are over in order to get the point. Fifth a guy send me a PM and told me that someone was spamming him to give him the point. Not cool. Sixth i don't like trying to answer the same thing above other growers who already gave a very nice answer. ( it would be better for me if i couldn't see the answers that other growers gave until the grower gives the point ). Seventh its very difficult as a newbie to this site to compete growers who are taking points from answers that they gave 3 months ago. Eighth when a diary is erased the points shouldn't be loosed and ninth what makes me really mad is all those growers who make the questions, taking their answers and they never give the point to anyone. Growers give so much effort to solve their problems and they can't even give a point or they give it when they have again a problem after 2 months, in order to be able to make a question again and of course not to give the point again. I really think @growdiaries needs to do something about this . Example if someone doesn't give the point until the contest is over he should not be able to make a question about this particular diary never again and if he does it 3 or 5 times to not be able to make a question never again in general. Also i believe that the answers should be secret so other growers can't copy them and when the grower gives the point only then the answers should get public in the contest link so everybody can see them. This contest really needs transparency and meritocracy. I have nothing personal with anyone and i didn't say names because i don't want to make anyone feel self-conscious. If anyone wants to disprove me i have many examples with links. I was thinking about not to participate again. I decide to continue participating but not with that much enthusiasm. If a win comes again I'll be happy and if not it's ok. There are other ways to get benefit from this contest beside getting at the first three places. Sponsors are always watching 😉 and i already have taken many nice proposals by them. One thing is sure. This contest doesn't represent successfully the title grower of the month.
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@mad_scientist, Said like that you are right , you put effort into you answer so a link can just be drop with 3 extra words and give a point to someone who did not put that much effort in writing an answer , I feel you on that point 😘 . But I still think that hiding answers have a good and a bad side , the good side is not copy from what you write and that is a good point but the bad side : could be that once the answer is revealed you discover a lame answer , not really related to the question ( and with a lot of kind words like : Nice setup , you'r growing like a master , etc) 😂. But I can understand your feelings about it 😁👍
mad_scientistcommented6 years ago
@OutForReal, I am ok if someone posts a link at the general comment section (with that way he can give a boost of help) but from my perspective posting a link at the question section its not very nice to other growers that put effort to write it down. I said to hide the answers not for transparency off course 😋. I said it because someone i don't remember who, was complaining about copy him or something like that....
mad_scientistcommented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, everything is ok my man 😀😎👍
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MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
Are all you fine herbalists on yr periods ffs . Grow up n smoke more weed . Peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️
TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, don’t think I can say it better than this. This is the only social media site you’ll find me on - because it’s the one place where the rest of the world and the BS politics and drama has no place. Plant seeds, add water, smoke awesome buds and chill the F@&$ out y’all! 👊
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, totally agree bud . All the mudslinging , name calling petty shit needs to stop . That shit I see enough of on Facebook and Twitter. This is a place where like minded people come ( should) together and unite in our love for gods finest ever creation 🕊️🕊️🕊️
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, well muddy buggy may not be the best orator (although that's debatable) but he does have a point, would be great if we could come together and resolve this so that folks can get the help they need to grow better.
Athoscommented6 years ago
@MUDBUG See? It was a bug. Now the points are restored, although I'm pretty sure @OutForRealgrow did not have that many and that @Stick was in first place or maybe Spin had some missing points due another bug, it's happened before
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,lol that 60 points are mystery for me too but I give you the clue : I never sleep 🤘🤣😂
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,Sorry Miss ! You know you'd my girly buddy 😁👍😚
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@OutForReal, holy shit Spin! You've got 60 points!wtf you all are wild! Getting over like 15-20 is hard!
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DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
Go @Stick go! 👍
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
@OutForReal, I've just posted a question on my Xena grow
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@@Athos,Haha if someone choose at least one of my answers I'll be in 😂
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DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
Looks like this one is over. Congrats to @spinnergrow, @stick & @experimentgreen 👍
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, dang i guess they dont go off west coast time....cause this sections closed. Thanks dude. ✌️
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, theres still like 1 1/2 here on the west coast. 😊
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed,😘 Thank you bro 🙌
BeefWellingtonscommented6 years ago
I try to help people out as best I can, being a newb. The thing is I read a lot and observe. I really try to offer correct advice, but most always in their comments section, like, get ph fixed or add a ceramic heater to your grow space...not necessarily answering the questions. But it's nice to have you guys (both ladies and gents) helping myself and others out, even if it's a simple thing. You guys helped me, and still do and I try to pass that invaluable info onto others when I can. Now go get some hydroguard into that hydro basin asap! He hee, love ya guys!
BeefWellingtonscommented6 years ago
@MUDBUG, ty ty sir.
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
@BeefWellingtons,And u doing a EXCELLENCE JOB 👏👏👏🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️
Athoscommented6 years ago
once again, very well done @OutForReal, @Stick and @Experimentgreen
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@@Athos,Thank you bro 😁🤘
Drtombcommented6 years ago
*sits back and grabs popcorn*On a seperate question? What's the best people are pulling for gram/watt.... Not this junk calculation they use on here... I mean a total wieght÷total watts of light?I'm aiming for 2.5p on my next run on a 1000w1134g/1000w=1.134g/wMy last run I pulled 1.9p so that worked out too861g/1000w=0.861g/w
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@Drtomb, any idea what watt # i should use for the sun?
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
Good luck to you all 👍👍
zesar1991commented6 years ago
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
I've posted a question on my Xena grow
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
What happened to @Stick and & @OutForReal
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen, I’m sure GD will figure this out eventually. Glad you liked the interview, thanks!
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, Im sure that sticky little turkey will have like 15 points in the next 5 days anyway. Some of you boys are just too damn good at this! Lol 👅✌️💚
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, what in the sam hells going on here? How am i on the top? I was pretty far down last i saw. Was there a bunch of last months questions being added in? I'm sorry sure theyll sort it out. Were only part way through the month after sure the @growdiaries team will look it over. Big love everyone, hope your grows are going good. Dude i didnt get to tell you, nice interview 💚💚
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Athoscommented6 years ago
@growdiaries can we have an ignore feature?
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Stick, 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
Stickcommented6 years ago
@@Athos, +1, that would be great
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
61 Grow Questions & Counting ! Experience trumps youth yet again ! 🚀
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@MUDBUG,Goerges Bush said : It's not more French fries : it's liberty fries 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@MUDBUG,Gumbo : yum yum ! But I need to try the Crawfish Pie 😁
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Mitchell_Grows_Ganjacommented6 years ago
Good luck everyone ✌️🔥💨
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Mitchell_Grows_Ganja, thanks Mitchell ! almost 100 Qs done this month already ! 🚀
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@growdiaries can i just say it's kinda heartless to cut out the 16 other people that gave this comp a go 😂 mah heart ! ❤️
TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
Didddo - what the dude said above👍😎😉. Good job guys
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
AND THE SMOKE CLEARS You know i was once told something many years ago GIVE EM ENOUGH ROPE AND THEY WILL HANG THEMSELVES i found that quote to be 100% honest and truthful ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✌️✌️✌️
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
@OutForRealbeanCarib,My man✍️✍️💥💥👊👊HOLD UP WAIT A MIN 😂😂😂😂
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@MUDBUG,The 1st lyrics of Royce da 5'9" - Caterpillar ft. Eminem, King Green ?
MUDBUGcommented6 years ago
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