Thats from your water.. No worries. You should see mine at the end of a longer grow, lol. had some problems that caused a delay in 3-gals... ended up with a 1/4" ribbon of roots portuding through the lower 4-5" of pot (hempy-like setup). Definitely got rootboung but couldn't tell above ground. Spent 20minutes pulling roots out at end and thoroughly rinsing the pot -- still the nutrient build up, albeit much less and perfectly safe to re-use if well-rinsed.
I wouldn't attempt to remove it with anything that even remotely agitates the soil inside. The benefit would not outweigh any potential risk of a cost. Gently running your hand over it might be find, but won't get it completely off. It will build up more as you go too.
You'll possibly see roots sticking out at some point too. they'll air-prune themselves, but you could cut them, i guess? Like above, i don't think the benefit would be worth it, though.