
Seed not Germinating - 5 days

FCFLOWERstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi, Threw a seed direct into soil, about half finger deep, pre soaked the soil until drenage of the water and left 3h until I planted the seed.... it has been 5 days now and nothing... been keeping the soil wet/humid like I did with my other two plants, but nothing yet.
Setup. Seedling
FCFLOWERanswered grow question 4 years ago
I'm keeping soul humid not completely soaked.. have a bottle on top to keep humidity. Leaving on the balcony with sun during the day to make sure is elevated temp and su light calls for the sprout... At night bringing inside and leaving 6h of led together with other older plants I've previously planted. Will wait for the 10 day mark. Left half finger deep so is pretty strong based for LST... maybe beginner concerns but that was the idea....
MrBlocc420answered grow question 4 years ago
Just give it time , some seeds are thicker than others , 10 days with the right temp and humidity with a little moisture on the top soil and you should be fine 👌🏾Happy growing
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Half a finger is along way for it to go. Give it time. seeds can take that long normally too... it'll get there. Try 1/2 inch at deepest.. if you go too shallow the shell may not rip off or if really shallow and isn't blacked out from light it won't be happy either. so, jus tmake sure it's covered and completely dark even if you have to water a bit for some odd reason a little erosion isn't a problem. don't keep the soil damp.. moist is fine.
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
How's your temperature? I had a few that refused to sprout and then i put a heating pad underneath and they sprouted within the next day.
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Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 4 years ago
It can take up to 7 days. After then I'd dig it out. If it hasn't sprouted throw it in a glass of water and pray. Hopefully this helps!
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