would anybody suggest and tell me how much weeks more that i have to put this babies on veg state before changing on flowering schedule? its already shown 5nodes but not really strong big enough. 44days from germinating, and its a photoperiod type. anyone?
Привет, друг! 👋
Ещё 1 неделя вегетации и переводи на цветение, изменив режим освещения 12/12 и начинай добавлять удобрения для цветения! 👍
После появления первых белых волосков в точках роста - можешь ставить в дневнике "цветение"! 👌
Удачи, друг! ✊😇
I would definitely let her go a few more weeks just to fill out some more! Some plants just grow a little slower than others! Hope this helps friend & happy growing!✌️🏼🌱