Way way way to much nutrients for your plants man . What I would recommend you do to get these ladies back on track is reduce the strength of your nutrient solution to 1/4 quarter strength . With that being said I would also recommend that you don't feed them nutrients every watering I would suggest to do it every 2nd or 3rd watering in order to ensure that all the nutrients are used up in the soil before adding new ones . But at this present time you have LOTS of nutrients in the medium I would just water with PH corrected water until the "burn" slows and then comes to a stop , then I would adjust the nutrient strength to 1/4 strength and up the dose as the plant grow's . I say use PH corrected water because if you use water with different PH all the time you will run into problems such as lock outs and stunt's of growth . I hope this information helps you on your journey to understanding what is happening to your ladies ! - Happy Growing!