
Feeding question in week 5 (stumped)

KCduzitstarted grow question 4 years ago
Seeing some nutrient burn and discolouration on some leaves as well as some circular spots on leaves. What are they? Any nutrient and feeding advice would be greatly appreciated! Watering at (ph 5.8-6.1 dechlorinated tap water with remo full line veg nutes at around 600ppm)
Leaves. Other
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Think this is a balance issue or pH. Try raising pH a tad, unless specific instructions from your nutrient brand says otherwise. 6.3-6.5. I'd try that before playing with the formula... it's a safe ppm overall, but ppm of any individual element could be out of whack even in that context. i think that's going to take away any potential deficiencies on its on. otherwise, continue to look into it and calculate ppm's from your labels per nutrient. compare to any formula you can find - lucas, jack's whatever.. get some ballpark ideas of ceilings. Might just need a bump to nutes too... whatever the data dictates. unless you have extremely high chlorine levels, you can save that effort if you want. check local water report.. likely no big deal.
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Selected By The Grower
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
in fact, i'd run the numbers on that "veg" formula too.. make sure K isn't too low -- 180-200ppm is likely good. P - 50-60ppm. mos tlikely to lockout Ca (dots) and the burn on edge looks like K-def, so none of that makes sense... my money is on the pH fixing it.
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