Hey there, everyone's got their own cure for spider mites but truth is nothing works or if it does it will either damage or ruin your flowers. The only thing that i've found that works is "biological warfare" with a beneficial bacteria called bacilus thuriengiensis , this acts as a paracite that attacks eggs, larvae and adults , but it takes a while to fully get things under control. So because you're in an outbreak phase i would suggest you spray the plant around sundown twice a week and add it to the feed once a week for two weeks or until it's under control. THen it's just a matter of keeping the beneficials up by adding it to your feed every ten days. The only other thing that truly works is to add LIVE LADYBUGS which you can order online, and yes, these are legit live bugs, but it turns out they can eat 10k spidermites a day each and dont touch your plants... once they're done eating the mites they just kinda disappear and not inside your buds which is nice. Hope this helps ! 🚀