I'd shoot for 6.8pH in soil. bump that up while you get other things in order before fiddling too much with nutrient mix.
Easy on the flushing. That could be exaxerbating the problem. You don't want to remove all the nutes unless it's crazy out of balance. small shifts over time is better. whether you alternate or every third fertilizer.. up to you and the concentration of mix you have settled on. the irrigations between with water only should ensure saturation but try to limit total runoff to some extent... safer than sorry is better to avoid dry pockets, though.
allow substrate to mostly dry before watering or fertilizing again. Top 1" dry and feel weight. Weight will be more precise indication of need for irrigation. It shold be light. Provide a balanced diet when you do fertilize with ~20% runoff - this ensure no buildup and a consistent pH in substrate... if you think you were giving too much before, dial it back and start there. Always easier to go up.. more difficult to dilute your soil safely and precisely.
Allow for wet dry cycle... let it react for a bit. Then, fiddle with nute mixture - slowly and systematically. You may find some problems start to go away without doing that... can be more precise at that time.