G'day mate, you are not going to get a huge yield off a plant that big. I do not know how successful your attempts at forcing her to flower would be, there are so many issues. Firstly, as it is not going inside you will have to build a 100% lightproof tent/cover for the entire plant and to get absolutely no light through at all. One of our Aussie hot days and you can say good bye to a well and truly cooked plant. If it gets anywhere more than 30 degrees, it could be 40-55+ degrees inside the tent/cover, especially as most light blocking materials are black. Far better to learn some patience and harvest a healthy plant with a much better yield. If you can bring it indoors, you would need to do this religiously, at the exact same times to cover or place her in 100% darkness and bring her out at exactly the same time each and every day, same if planning on using a tarp. The dark cycle would have to star and finish at the exact same time each and every day, half an hour earlier or later is just not going to cut it, even one day forgetting for an hour is going to mess with the plant. Any deviations/time interruptions/changes to the routine could very well freak the plant out and cause it to do all sorts of weird things, like start flowering, reverting back to growth, turning hermaphrodite, even all of these things. Like I said, one stinking hot day and she will be dead if you try to do this outdoors. Our climate during summer is nowhere near mild, so building an outdoor 100% light proof cover that will not cook her on the first hot day, is nigh on impossible. If you plan to try and get some early harvest next summer, consider trying a few autos outdoors, although generally they don't yield very much if grown outdoors in spring/summer down under. Better to learn some patience this year.
Hope this helps..... Organoman.