My current light cycle is 18/6. I'm on week 3 of flowering now. Is it possible to increase the light on duration to 20 hours or 24 hours now? Would it stress the plants?
Auto flowering plants are not wonder plants that can work 24/7!! they're just normal plants with a different trait!
I'd say leave it at 18/6 since you're already giving them 6 more hours of light than the usual photoperiod plants and you don't want to cause radiation stress to your girls!
If you want to try *with caution* increase the schedule to 20/4, I've heard of some people who grew in that schedule with conflicting opinions and experiences.
Hope this helps! Good luck and happy growing :)
They may need readjusting to the new schedule, before ur in flowering its a better time to do this, i recomend you dont do it, just let them finish in 18/6.
Stay lit growmie.