
What does this look like to you?

Spaceman88started grow question 4 years ago
Im wondering what the curling under and spots are trying to tell me. I have some guesses in my journal but looking for some more ideas, thx
Week 2
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Other
Feeding. Deficiences
Spaceman88answered grow question 4 years ago
I adjust ph to 5.8 daily. Never takes more than .5ml ph down. I don't see any signs of nitrogen tox here at all. Nutes ARE being mixed 25% or ever so slightly over. This mix gets diluted at time of water with RO. Started around 400ec worked up to 1000ec. There are no bloom boosters going in. It is called a 3 part mix and the mfg wants you to use all three parts equally, imagine that. They get transplanted out of solo cups on day 14, grow diaries counts the germ tab as a week they are not in solo’s for 3 week. This why I hate asking questions in noob central. I could go read one of the 10,000 copy/paste blogs and regurgitate the same nonsense
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
It needs more room to grow. Would also maintain your ph levels. They could be changing swiftly. Leave clawing is too much nitrogen likely, spots are some look like water on the leaf and light burned it. Other looks like maybe calmag but I would put my money on ph off in tiny soil space. Good luck and happy growing 🌲🌲🌲👊
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
To me they are screaming "please put me in bigger pots!!" The issues you are identifying are most probably occurring due to being root bound in tiny cups and also suffering from too much food. After looking at your diary, these are baby plants and need baby feeding schedules. Giving them a strong mix of 7 different types of nutrients and combined with being in those tiny cups is akin to plant torture. The tiny amount of coir they are in would be overloaded with left over mineral salts from the nutrients and this is causing the leaves/plant to protest. Also, being in such tiny cups, their ability to grow is being heavily restricted. Plants really shouldn't be in cups that small any longer than a week. I am positive that if you replant them ASAP, they will be much, much happier. At this stage, they are being severely restricted in their ability to grow. Also, feeding them should be gentle affair, quarter strength is plenty strong enough for baby plants. Once you replant them, cut back on the huge mix of nutrients you are giving them and just rely on one or two decent "grow" nutrients for now, they should contain everything a plant needs for healthy vegetative growth and leave the bloom nutrients/stimulators/boosters for when they are actually blooming. Hope this helps,... Organoman. Sorry for the harsh words, but those plants really are being tortured in those small cups. ...... Organoman. (universal protector of baby cannabis plants!)
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