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Jazzvetstarted grow question 4 years ago
Can anyone tell me if this bug is dangerous? I'm planning to do the harvest tomorrow.
Other. Bugs
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
If you are harvesting tomorrow, I would not worry, he won't eat much, just a little bit of chlorophyll. As my esteemed co-contributor stated, there is no need to treat the plant with anything, this would make your buds unusable to consume due to residual amounts of whatever you used still being in the plant material. After harvest, the spider mite will wander off looking for another living plant to feed on. Also as my esteemed co-contributor stated, cleaning your grow space THOROUGHLY can not be underestimated, as eggs and possibly adult spider mites could be lurking and waiting for a new food source, so cleaning before introducing any new plants are introduced, is vital. Hope this helps,..... Organoman.
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Selected By The Grower
Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Bedankt voor de uitgebreide en duidelijke aanvulling, Darktide!👌🌱
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Darktideanswered grow question 4 years ago
It is a spider mite. It is not harmful if injested or inhaled, and will not have an effect of smell or taste of your bud. As you are harvesting in 3 days do not use anything. Neem oil or other products on buds may damage the terpenes. If this was in vegetative or very early flower you could and should remove effected leaves and use treatments to prevent plant stress, and reduction in yeild. Spider mites eat the chlorophyll out of the leaves making them look spotty. I read that when drying hang the plants upside by the stem as the mites will run out of food and eventually move to the end of the stem. If wanting there is also products out there that clean away dead bugs and eggs of you are wanting to do this but of you have a very mild amount I would not worry about that. For future grows make sure to clean everything l with 1:1 bleach:water ratio really well to kill any otherwise you risk having them come back in greater numbers. Good Luck and Happy Growing 🍃
Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Volgens mij is dit een spintmijt. Deze kan je bestrijden door bijvoorbeeld neemolie op de bladeren te spuiten. Nu, aangezien je morgen gaat oogsten en je misschien niet veel beestjes hebt?, zou ik eerder verkiezen om het zo te laten en bij de oogst je plant goed te inspecteren en de geïnfecteerde bladeren weg te gooien. Zo dicht bij de oogst zou ik liever niks spuiten op de bladeren, of bij goed ontwikkelde toppen. Als je toch iets wil doen word kaneelwater wel eens gebruikt omwille van het feit dat het een natuurlijk product is dat praktisch iedereen in huis heeft, om beestjes te verjagen. Maar ik vond dat dit niet veel effect had bij mijn varenrouwmugbaby's. Hoe dan ook, een goede oogst morgen!🌱
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