No don't do it!
Your plant needs every leaf it has to produce the energy it needs to grow her flowers.
Removing healthy leaves will slow growth due to the reduction in energy production and can potentially result in smaller flowers.
Put simply - Maximum amount of healthy green leaves = maximum energy production = maximum growth.
The older leaves also provide the plant with a ready source of "pre-made" vital growth elements, such as carbs, amino acids, sugars etc, that are "stored" in the older leaves and which the plant will draw upon during flowering. It is far more efficient for the plant to re-use the vital growth elements present in the older leaves, as it is to make flower growth AND make these elements from new, during flowering. This is why the leaves will go yellow on otherwise healthy and well fed plants during flowering and is what some people refer to as "the fade".
So, not only does leaf removal reduce your plants capacity to produce energy, it also robs her of a vital source of "ready made" growth elements she has so cleverly stored in the older leaves, specifically for use during flowering and is something the defoliation advocates fail to understand.
Try only ever removing yellow leaves, as by the time they are yellow, they have served their purpose.
Hope this helps,......... Organoman.