
Re veg quest.Why she show new pistil even after 2weeks at 18/6.i fear a weak long perpetual bloom or useless veg until mid Aug(shy reveg deformed/new grow)

CastlesMadeOfSandstarted grow question 3 years ago
Afterwrong Light cycle 12/12 for 4 week i decided to re veg my euphoria.Now 2 week at 18/6 despite new steams growth from budsites she continue to show pistils. Some opinion?i let her flower or keep going with 18/ she's outdoor and i want to let her flower naturally in sept
Week 5
Buds. Other
Setup. Strains - Photoperiod
Setup. Outdoor
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 3 years ago
It’s called Monster Cropping, except that you are not revegging clones. It takes around 3 weeks to go back on Veg mode. It’s gonna be insane bro 😄
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Selected By The Grower
CastlesMadeOfSandanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thanks for the replies guys and drumsandbuds sorry now i discovered that i can reply here ahah So i have to wait If i let her outdoor with 16~ hours of light she would continue the process?or cut her for 3 hours from the indoor setup can induce her to flower again?
2x2growinganswered grow question 3 years ago
The revegging process can take months to fully reveg unfortunately. Especially if you said you been flowering for 4 weeks? I would advise just leaving her outdoors. And starting another plant while you still have time to grow outdoors.
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