The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Soundproof grow area

3lementa1started grow question 4 years ago
I made a countertop tent out of mylar and 2x2s. Any tips on what I can hang on the front to dampen the sound of fans and filters? Foam didn't do much so I broke it into smaller pieces to block off the noisy fans and pumps individually. I'd like to isolate the whole thing ideally.
Week 3
Setup. Other
MrStinkyanswered grow question 4 years ago
20 slot Egg cartons mate, great sound dampener, used it in a band practice room years ago to dampen sound and it worked a treat - same prinicipal as sound proof foaming but a whole lot cheaper. If you were to build a front you could put stick the egg cartons inside to dampen sound. Another cheap alternative is expanding foam between 2 thin pieces of wood - get some clamps (6 should do it) spray your foam LIGHTLY across one board, stick the other board on top of itnand clamp them down so youve got about an inch gap for the foam to expand and itll stick the boards together too, use sparingly cause it expands like a mo'fo, some of them are also fireproof too, if youre the safety conscious (paranoid) sort. ;)
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Selected By The Grower
SpiderMiteanswered grow question 4 years ago
Styrofoam you can get it free from any appliance store. They use it to protect fridges. It's also white for reflection. You can also pick up some velcro strips at a dollar store that have adhesive on the one the backsides. Put the strips on the edges and you are good to go.👊
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Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 4 years ago
Acoustic foam should work.
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Hashyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Piece of ply wood, put hinges on, then screw some plaster board to the ply board. You can also paint the plaster board if you want.
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