
Have you see this

Lazydaze428started grow question 3 years ago
Is this normal have you ever seen this??
Plant. Other
Poppetnewbieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi there Can u take any side pics for me to look my friend ?I have seen a few variations of the first set of 'real' leaves coming and along the growth after but if u have the nodes development continuing i wud hold tight if she continues to have 'abnormalities ' then u can always set another seed off incase and shud this plant and the new seed both end up giving to u you can then control how they both grow if ur short on grow room hope this helps more pics I'd love to see and look forward to following your journey
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Selected By The Grower
Lazydaze428answered grow question 3 years ago
I wish I could put up more pics to respond it has gotten weird but cool but I can't show any more pics.I absolutely love the ppl on this website but dang who ever designed this website needs to put the bong down for a minute and fix basic things, ok wait don't put the bong down but fix the question and answer issues.I cant be the only one who get frustrated when I can respond directly back or out more follow up pics.
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi, yes! One time for me! Mutant from the start to the finish! And it was great bud! (Jager). Don’t stress this little lady out any more than it does to itself! Good luck! ✌️🏻💚🌿💨
Killab1405answered grow question 3 years ago
Just to clarify from the looks of it the plant topped itself. Topping is hst and if it's an auto it's not recommended to top at all because of the high stress. But if the plant tops itself there is no need to stress the plant and it doesn't need to heal. I would just make sure you're giving her dark time because regardless of what other growers say even autos should have dark time. They don't need it. But you try and stay awake for 12 weeks straight and see what kind of shape your in. Respect these beautiful plants and they will provide for you like you wouldn't believe!
Aqueminianswered grow question 3 years ago
Just a slight deformity. It happens. You'll see some interesting things sometimes.
Killab1405answered grow question 3 years ago
I had a pineapple express mutate like this recently and it's providing my biggest harvest yet. Nature is kinda funny like that. It looks beautiful!
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
No it is not normal, but not a big issue and I have seen this and similar mutations quite often. It should start growing "normal" leaves soon enough and if not, it is a choice you have to make whether to continue with it or start another seed.
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