MrStinkyanswered grow question 4 years ago With your fabric bags, you can either put cable ties through the sides of the bags for anchor points (loop them onto themselves) or use the round metals from keyrings to create anchor points (I use keyrings).
Get some rubber coated gardening wire or pipe cleaners - something sift and not too thin or you will cut into the plant over time.
Firstly - put a small bend in the wire, hook it around the main stem and anchor it on the opposite side you want to bend them to - this anchor point helps strengthen your stem when you bend it 90o in the opposite direction.
You should be able to gently bend the plants over at 90o over the next few days and their side branches and lateral growth will explode.
Try to position remaining stems, leafs and bud points in optimal condition for them to see the light and the canopy will grow quite level - your aim is to try and stop any one cola / budsite getting taller than any other as this keeps the growth hormones distributing evenly around the plant encouraging growth in all branches and stems rather than just one main cola.
I followed the above in my current RQS diary, I bent them at about 11 days or so and loosened them off at the start of stretch so as not to stress them - there are pics in the diary that might help. The last plant that is yet to chop is still going (maybe 1 week to go) but has several colas about 25cm long as well as some side nugs.
Hope that helps :)