
Rust colored spots on the oldest leafs

Fro5tystarted grow question 3 years ago
Is it phosphor deficiency or cal deficiency? spider mites? It’s time to change the water of my rdwc system anyway. Should I flush before changing? Should I add more calmag then the previous time? Some leafs have gotten curled down tips. It’s my first grow btw. Nutes: GHE tripart
Leaves. Curl down
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Pretty hard to overwater when your growing in water lol. Check the undersides of the leaves with a magnifying glass. If you have mites then mix a little dawnmsoap in water and spray the undersides and the tops of the leaves. Repeat every 3 days as necessary until all have been eliminated. You should only need to add cal/mg at a very small amount if you need to at all. To much cal/mg can cause problems as well. Very high in nitrogen. See how the plant does without it and add some if needed. When growing this way, plants recover very rapidly, so it is best to go with less cuz less is always best.... more only when needed.
Fro5tyanswered grow question 3 years ago
I already released predatory mites as a precaution. Because I know that the guy that clones my plants has an infestation. I just don’t know if these spots are the first sign of mites. The first time the spots were lighter in color. I added half the recommended dose of calmag to my new solution (125ml for 220L) and the same for tripart nutrients, but went 25ml less with the grow, because like you said calmag already has N. I just do 1:1:1 with the tripart. I’ve heard it’s possible to grow start to Finish that way. I’m going to add a little more bloom part in the last nutrient change (before flush).
Ganjafarmer420flowersanswered grow question 3 years ago
Also the curled down tips is overwatering let them dry abit first before your next feed
Ganjafarmer420flowersanswered grow question 3 years ago
Will be cal mag I would add more cal mag ❤️
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