
1 Wilted, 1 Healthy??

TheeLemonstarted grow question 3 years ago
This morning I noticed one of my ladies has wilted quite badly, but the other is perfectly healthy. They get the same amount of water/nutrients/light. I cant understand why one is wilted but the other isnt. I included a pic of the healthy lady for reference.
Week 6
Leaves. Wilting
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Nitrogen/nutrient toxicity would be my diagnosis, as well as being exhausted. Each plant is a law unto itself, no two plants will ever require the exact same conditions/feeding/watering. Also, 24/0 is not what plants need, they need sleep/a dark period to complete their photosynthetic cycle and have a correctly functioning metabolism, but the good news is that it is never too late to switch to 18/6. Cannabis can only grow so much during any 24 hour period and this growth tops out at about the 18 hour mark, meaning running your lights any longer than 18 hours is basically a waste of electricity, therefore even 20/4 or 22/2 or 19/5 or 21/3 is also pointless. At this stage I would be giving just plain water for the next 10 days before resuming feeding with half strength nutrients. Trying to flush the soil with excessive amounts of water will just make things worse, as this will just release even more nutrient salts from the soil, increasing the nitrogen/nutrient toxicity effect.... possibly killing the plant. From the very green colour of your plants, I would guess you are possibly feeding them too often. In soil, you should be feeding every third irrigation, that is ..... plain water/plain water/ feed/plain water/plain water/feed, so that your plants are only getting nutrients every 10-14 days (roughly). Also when giving water, you must give enough until there is run off/water coming out of the bottom of the pots. This serves two purposes, firstly, that the substrate is moisten from top to bottom, which is vital for root growth and secondly, it helps to prevent the build up of nutrient salts in the substrate/soil to toxic levels, which seems to be what has happened with your plant. Also watering deeply and thoroughly every few days is much better than watering little amounts often, which just causes salts to build up. Waiting until the top 3-5cm have dried out again is when you know that it is time to water your plants again, deeply and to run off. I have found that half strength nutrients is usually plenty strong enough, especially when it comes to autos. Lifting the light while this plant recovers may also help in its quest to resume health. Hope this helps, Organoman.
Selected By The Grower
BreakingBudanswered grow question 3 years ago
Are the plants watered manually?
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m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
A lot of good points in the other answers here. To me it looks over watered. and I don't see aerating items in your mix. 100% agree with @Organoman, rest is fundamental for any living organism. 24/0 is not ideal.
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DoctorGreenThumbanswered grow question 3 years ago
Each plant will react to the environment different. Some will feed more than others. Others will handle low humidity like 25% better than others. 24 hrs of light isn't optimal for plants either.
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 years ago
I was in your boat last week and still sometimes am. In my case it was average temp drop, too intense light, new fans brought wind damage too. Plus I understood that 4 of my current 10 plants run are going to sleep that ugly way. My watering pattern changed, so be careful not to overwater them. Some stoped drinking. Hope you find your answer too. All the Best !
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