Autos will often do some good stretching when they go into flower - but there's no definitive answer to you question.... each strain is different and sometimes there are differences between seeds of the same strain from the same seed bank. It's one of the irritating but challenging aspects of autoflowers - and there are a lot of growers who won't touch them because of this. Personally, autoflowers are all I grow and I love them... I love the challenge they present and the learning they offer.
How long they will take until harvest is again something that is strain-dependent... I've harvested some in about 65 days from seed and others have taken twice as long. If you're talking about height, I've grown some that only got to 21" and another that was probably over 50" (couldn't really tell because I had to keep LSTing the hell out of that one to keep it in the tent!).
Autoflowers are fun - embrace the challenge - and have fun learning!
Good luck!