
Brown spots on leaf's

wasgehtsiedasanstarted grow question 3 years ago
I got brown some brown spots on my sugar leaf's :o I was planing to not feed now the last 2 weeks for flushing as she will be done by then... should i do anything about the spots and what causes that? its soil and auto i give ph between 6.4-6.8
Leaves. Other
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey bro. Sorry you haven't been able to get help. Rust spots can be the cause of a few different factors. 1. Fungi/disease. This will be easy to find out. Rub the spots and if they are coming off then you have something really bad 2: Nutrirent tox. This 1 I'm dealing with. My plant was fine and when I was feeding I accidentally fed the same plant with 2 different sets of base nutrients. And I knew straight away I fucked up and came down with rust spots. 3. Different nutrients not meant to be given together. Different brands of nutrients. Or the same type of nutrients given just with different names. More than likely I reckon its going to be some sort of nutrient tox. You'll be able to fix this by soft flushing for a few days and watching the growth, the affected spots will get worse but look at the new growth and if no spots then you are home free. Also you can do a hard flush, (this is a last thing I suggest) and take a ppm test to see how she's eaten if the ppm is the same or near your last feed or in extreme cases your ppm will be sky high and be above what you had given on your last feed. Again this is a last resort and if was the case you'd of seen toxs and tip burn well before any rust spots. Some nutrients don't gel well together. I had something similar happen to me when I gave big bud and overdrive too close together. So if you are given nutrients that aren't meant to be given at the same time rust spots can be the cause of nutrient gelling together. Can be the same nutrient brand or different nutrient brands. Also check on the bottles you are given a lot of nutrient lines sell very similar products with nearly the exact same stuff with just a different name, AN is known for it. They have 2-3 of the same nutrients that are nearly the exact same just with different names or something slightly different. Anyways hope I helped in some way. Feel free to add your pics to a diary then DM me with a link to the diary and details in it from the week before and right up until the spots appeared. Good luck pal.
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Selected By The Grower
wasgehtsiedasananswered grow question 3 years ago
amazing yes i suspect nutrients but when i make the diary i will let u know so u can see better 😅 i will watch the new groth then and start now with 2 weeks flushing as planed :) I was thinking i might used to much ph down or up solution as i sometimes fucked it up bad and needed to readjust the ph before watering 😅 thanks so much for all the answers!
wasgehtsiedasananswered grow question 3 years ago
no just tried it again it does not attach any pictures when i make a question -.- guess i cant get any help here then and support of growdiaries is not replying for weeks as well...
wasgehtsiedasananswered grow question 3 years ago
I cant attach any pictures I have issues with that now for 2 weeks... my diary dont has pics of this yet cause i notice it today i try with a new question hopefully i can attach oics
crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
you should link the diary of the plants youre asking about you have 4 active diaries and i dont know which ones are you talking about and no one in their right mind can give you advice without seeing your plants..
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