It all depends on how far along the plant is. I know if I topped mine at 2 weeks it would be above the 3rd&4th at best.
So really it all depends how many nodes you want. And your size. Most breeders will say which way it is best grown. Does it like to be shaped, things like that. And it all depends if its an auto there's not enough veg time to top and be left with 2 nodes. Mind you I have seen monster grows topped above the 3rd. I had a pretty good 1 with 5 nodes, 2.5 sets. Nearly 70g.
All depends. If they autos you wanna lean more on the 5 sets of nodes. So top after you are clear and see the 5th set coming up cut above that or 4th but I wouldn't go lower than the 4th if its an auto.. if its a photo, well all the above is pointless as you can veg the shit out of 2 nodes. But it's not, so wait until you have at least 4 nodes. But 5 is better. I've topped above the 5th for most of my FB strains and they doing pretty well.
Good luck.
Good luck.