I put this up for some1 as this showed up in my ganja runt about 10+ days into pre flower or maybe more. I had fixed it awhile ago I just pult it to show an iron (fe) def.
Look up how to fix iron def with whatever you have.
That's my suggestion anyways. Hope this helps.
Good luck.
Sorry guys. But I'd have to strongly disagree.
It's IRON def by the looks of it.
As it shows up like that with due green vains and all, look it up and you'll c it.
Anything with bloom or micro should have iron, it'll read as FE.
Good luck.
Por lo que se puede ver en las fotos, la planta esta muy bien, es posible que en esta etapa de floración, se pongan amarillas algunas hojas..
Controlas el ph del agua?