The only thing I would worry about is how heavy the rain is... with climate change, I've noticed a definite change in the INTENSITY of the rain - like REALLY beating down hard - and that will present challenges for any plant at any age but especially a young and tender one such as yours. The rain itself isn't the problem, it's the beating. If the rains are particularly heavy, you might want to erect some sort of protection for her. I've got my plants out on my deck that I've got a clear roof over - so I'm not worried about heavy rain - what I am worried about are the strong winds that can accompany some of the storms... If high winds are forecast, I move my ladies back next to the house where they hopefully won't be caught in damaging winds... in my case, the older the plants (i.e., the taller they are), the more concerned I am ...
So it's really kind of iffy... and will depend on the intensity of the rain and wind...
Good luck!