
Inkbird setting

Abacusstarted grow question 2 years ago
Inkbird temperature controller: cooling with a evaporative cooler to decrease temperature and increase RH. In heating a mini heater. During the day, I turn light off, and I have 20/21°C rh 60%, during the night I can arrive at 26/27° only with lamp, but Rh decrease.
Setup. Other
GreenOrganicGermanyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Die Temperaturschwankung zwischen Nacht- und Lichtzyklus sollte um die 6°C liegen. In der vegetativen Phase also zwischen 21°C während der Nacht (bei ausgeschaltetem Licht) und 27°C während dem Tag (bei angeschaltetem Licht). In der Blütephase ist der ideale Punkt bei um die 18°C nachts und 24°C tagsüber. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit könnte Tagsüber natürlich höher liegen. In der aktuellen Phase deiner kleinen Ladys würde ich ~70% anpeilen. Falls es dir gelingt diese eventuell durch einen Luftbefeuchter zu erhöhen, hast du nahezu perfekte Bedingungen 😄🤩👌
Abacusanswered grow question 2 years ago
The problem is what average temp I have to set; if I have to use Inkbird only with light on; anyone are using Inkbird? I could set a temperature below which the heating starts, and one above which the cooling / humidification starts. both turn off when the set average temperature is tagged.
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
I don't think it would be too much. If you could bump it up 1°-2°, it would be even better! Feel free to message me on here with any questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I hope this helps.
Abacusanswered grow question 2 years ago
I’m trying different set up for Inkbird, but if I want an high level of rh with light on, the cooler decrease temperature too much 23/24°. Some suggestions?
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