As you are having apromix and plant directly into the final pot ( stron recommended) you wont need any nutrients before they are near to flower....Benefical waterings are enough for them ( humic acid, aloe, calcium magnesium..........) because your promix already has enough nutrients for weeks. You can also add to your water 1 teaspoon per liter molasses, They feed the microbacteria in the soil. Most autoflowers are snsitive to nutrients and here it is like less is more. If you start to feed, start with a small amount.. way less than recommend, and look how the plant reacts.... ( the effects show up days later ) if your plant likes your nutrientmix you can up it slightly every week. My automatics only get half of dosage at all ... i start with a very low dosage as soon as i see flowers/ or if they show a defiency( yellowing older leaves). So it depens everytime in the Strin you grow how much and how often you feed. Look always to start slowly, because less nutrient dont do anthing to the plant and she can stand it over weeks, but to much makes her sick/ and can kill her. .... Your feedings should alwys go into wet soil. And look forward to a feeding circle like water water/ if you ave further question just ask