No don't do it, your plant is relying on those very leaves to make the energy she needs to grow her flowers.
They are the solar panels that power all of your plants growth, health and every other function.
Just remember............
Maximum amount of leaves = maximum amount of energy production = maximum amount of (bud) growth.
It really is that simple!
Far better to tuck or train any leaves out of the way of any "bud sites" you might think need more exposure.
Cannabis has evolved to be at the pinnacle of efficiency and performance.
This peak of greatness does not involve removing healthy, green, energy making leaves "just because everyone else who believes in ghetto science does".
In close to 40 years of growing, I am yet to come across a plant that gets rid of its own leaves for no reason or supposed benefit.........ever.
Defoliation is like disconnecting 2 cylinders on a race car then expecting it to do the same lap times!
Your plant will grow its biggest flowers (and in the fastest time too), with as many leaves as possible making as much energy as possible.