
Just being cautious. I had a friend visit today. Long story short, before visiting me she went to a nursery notorious for spider mites. I did not know this

ezgrows4anoobstarted grow question a year ago
How much should I be worried? She did not touch any plants directly. I cannot be certain that she had any mites on her. I am just being cautious. What is the best course of action? If my current flowering plants get mites, can I wash the mites off and still use the flowers
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
Good that you're being cautious! I always have a bottle of Dr. Zymes Eliminator in my stash of supplies... this or some Spinosad will take care of any leaf sucking insects (spider mites, aphids, thrips, whiteflies) and both are organic so they can be used right up to the day of harvest without any harm to either the plant or what you're smoking/using of your harvest. When you use either one, make sure you're spraying just before lights out. Good luck - hope she didn't bring any with her, although I feel it's pretty safe to say she didn't ... they usually don't attach themselves to humans and travel around like that.... so rest easy but prepare for the worst!
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
Btw I’d be chopping within the next week.. week latest. Looks ready to chop
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
It’s always good to be cautious but I’d put the chances of infection At less than 1%. You’re late in flower, so that’s even less concerning. Takes some time to establish anything of concern. I wouldn’t go spraying anything on your plants this late.
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