The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Slow growth or inpatience

Autobizzzstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi I’m comparing my strawberry gorilla autos and gorilla cookies to other diary’s and mine seem to be a bout a week behind where everyone’s else’s are. Any ideas why the slow growth or am I just being inpatient
Plant. Other
UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
a me sembra vadano bene...giusta la correzione della lampada ti dico cosa migliorare intanto umidita sopa al 60% le aiuta molto fertilizzazione ,avresti dovuto gia iniziare il cocco è un materiale inerte non ha fertilizzanti e i pochi che ci potrebbero essere si esauriscono in fretta vasi grossi ora continua con questi ma con il cocco io coltivo in vasi da 6,5 litri o anche problema del vaso grosso è l'irrigazione che è meno controllabile di un vaso piccolo e anche questo puo far ritardare la crescita la pianta ha piu difficolta a far respirare le radici... direi che è tutto...è cmq buona norma lasciare il coco sempre umido ma dipende dal tipo di uso che fai del coco se lo usi come la terra puoi far asciugare e poi irrigare nuovamente se lo usi come coco puoi irrigare anche piu volte al giorno ultima cosa il coco ha bisogno di un run off del 20%
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Selected By The Grower
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 years ago
They are in big pots once they take hold they wil take off
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FacelessGardensanswered grow question 2 years ago
I also think a lot of people dont truely fill in the correct week for there foto because they are to high amd are not even so sure anymore themselves or maybe its the end of that week taken the picture 🤷‍♂️😁✌️🏻💚💨 just some Suggestionen! One Advise for optimum grow rate is to check that your VPD is always in the correct Level ! If you don't know what it is google vpd cannabis grow chart amd youn will find top articles and pictures which will explain it to you Its basically the otpimal temperature to Humidity levels for optimum growthrate 💚✌️🏻💨
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HyperactiveHighsanswered grow question 2 years ago
They seem pretty on pace to me. This thing about auto journals is it's hard to tell when your week 1 lines up with their week 1 because lots of growers count day 1 differently and take pics at different stages while considering them the same. Some start counting as soon as the seed pops out of the soil, others count on day 1 when the 2nd set of leaves start developing, etc. - either way it only really matters for nute management cause once you go into flower it's always best to go off of trichomes anyways instead of day count. Once you start getting close to your harvest window just keep an eye on trich development to time the harvest. Since you're using coco it's harder to overwater but can still happen especially when the plants are so young. The root system develops by searching for water, so if there's too much water available too often it will stunt root growth, and therefore plant growth. Judging by the water patterns on your plants though, I doubt you are over watering. The BIGGEST thing I'm noticing is your VPD is out of whack which is probably what is truly stunting your plant growth most of all because it affects the plant respiration rate. Your temp in the pic and in your journal videos is 28C (82F) but your RH is only 46% it looks like which means your VPD is around 1.5. You want your VPD to be as close to 1 as possible, but for young seedlings like this you want a VPD lower than 1 which means even higher humidity around 65-70% which can be more easily achieved by putting small clear domes/bottles/etc over your plants in the pot. Overall my recommendation for you is to find a way to increase the humidity of your tent to stabilize around ~60% RH asap.
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
I mean give it time. You’re in coco- you should be more saturated than that at all times. Like that looks very dry when I zoom in. The whole squirt a circle around it and call it good is far from sufficient for coco
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Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
maybe? there's no vege time given for these.. so no idea. not all plants grow at same speeds, though many will even out as they get older.. some stay small. A few days difference early is more obvious than later on in grow. A large pot relative to pot size can be part of it.. and, not just due to difficulties related to watering it properly. whic leads to he last thing.. proper irrigation habits... and substrate ... with coco you still need perlite for proper darainage and o2 penetration 70/30 is enough because it holds less water per volume than typical soil / sphagnum peat moss does. if the plant is undersized and not watering entirety, you still must be certain you are watering all the way down to the bottom, or you are causing a larger proportion of superficial roots to grow near top. so, if not watering entire pot, do make sure the area you do water is a solid column all the way down to the bottom of pot... not just wetting top haf or 2/3rds etc. fertiize every irrigation in coco.. 1.3-1.5ec and well-balanced with a 10% runoff (waste water down drain or toss outside)... if you do this and the mix is proper, you will never run into concentration issues in substrate. observe and react to plant for fine-tuning, but it won't be far off. if you do all of that, then yeah.. it's probably more to do with patience and perception than anythng else.. if deviating.. consider adjusting habits, then wait and see how it reacts. with coco / soilless just 1 irrigation without fertilizer makes a big difference in rate of growth. The initial irrigaiton for sowing seeds does not need to have nutes in it, but after that it definitely improves rate of growth early on. a seed can power itself for 7-10 days but it can also make good use of a realtively mild concentrtaion of 1-1.5ish early on.. ramping up from a slightly lower point is fine too, but shoudln't be reuired.
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