i guarantee the plant does not take in Carbon through its roots... not the function of the roots. Adding co2 will probably make your water more acidic than it was before (not a maybe, actually.. it will and nothing to do with the fertilizers added... those have their own impact on pH... if the excess co2 can react with your fertilizers due to higher concentrations, that's just another potential negative ramfication... you don't want unknown chemical reactions taking place, obviously)
This is some "bro science" by people that don't know what they are doing and never took a science class in their lives beyond some introductory course, if that.
plants get their co2 from stomata opening to allow gas exchange. there is necessary anatomy present that is not present in roots to make use of said co2... co2 in you irrigation water won't do shit. Thank you... this is by far one of the most entertaining products i've seen in a while...
when gasses are dissolved in wate, they are not "attached to teh molecules" ... they are in solution... water has a carrying capacity... gasses reach equilibrium with envionment VERY fast... almost immediately... so you drop those co2 tabs in and it may temporarily boost co2, but it is quicly leaving solution to reach equilibium with sorounding atmosphere.... if yo don't water almost immediately, i doubt the co2 levels are even much higher than normal, lol...
within a short time it'll leave solution. This is not a good product.. this manufacturer is either ignorant or deceitful.