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Ertnen ohne zu töten

gruenerdaumenstarted grow question 2 years ago
Wie kann ich meine Pflanze ohne zu töten ernten? Will später sie wieder in die Vegitative Phase versetzen und dann später wieder in die Blüte Phase
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cannabiscult_ccanswered grow question 2 years ago
if its not auto, you can do it. reveg can take some time, but mostly works well. when you harvesting, leave the small buds on bottom area, and try to leave as much leaves on it as much as you can. i can show some pics about revegging if you need. levaing some buds on it important, when you reveg a plant, new growing will come from the buds what you left.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
You can't reveg an auto. Nor can you clone them..unless you grow for a week and even then the stress of that for an auto would be a mixed bag of early flips to wild mutations. You just can't do it its impossible. You can do 2 part harvests. I've had a 90cm plant and had a 100 watt and was my 1st grow and had to do a 3 part harvest. So what happens is the top of your nodes, that pull up energy through your plant is telling your plant its done. Hence why you asking Q about it now. Just clip off all what's on top and make sure to give a quick flush..heavy dose of water. Let dry out for 2 days under light on. This is about autos. You then kick-start the lower growth to eating again. As that'll be the end of the cola Hence it draws up energy through your cola. You need 3 things for photosynthesis water/ferts, co2 and light and the bottom is as important as the top..I don't have much knowledge on revegging fems. I just know. You can't reveg an auto. Good luck
Grow4Releafanswered grow question 2 years ago
Here's a link , it is doable. But definitely go do sine research on it. This is one I found. https://www.leafly.com/learn/growing/harvesting-marijuana/how-to-reveg-marijuana#:~:text=A%20grower%20can%20manipulate%20a,a%20second%20harvest%20of%20buds. Definitely look into cloning for future use aswell . Just seems rough on a plant to revegg compared to cloning. Best of luck!!
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
If you had wanted to keep a mother plant, you should have cloned it long before you got to harvest stage and grown out the clone for harvest. You can certainly try to harvest this now and then take what remains back to veg but I have the feeling it's not going to be successful... But here's the thing - if you don't try, it certainly won't work... if you DO try, you at least have a shot at it working! Your choice... Good luck!
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Corta todos tus flores con herramientas esterilizadas, trata de dejar algunas hojas para que la planta pueda seguir haciendo fotosintesis y cambia tu fotoperuodo a 18/6 .Suerte
resimaxanswered grow question 2 years ago
By taking a cutting and cloning it.
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