
Spraying seedlings

slumpystarted grow question 2 years ago
I'm currently spraying with rainwater two or three times a day, not watering at all, just spray. I've got a bucket full of rainwater and banana skins, and want to use it. Any tips, things to avoid?
Week 2
Feeding. Other
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Go to 18/6...........all cannabis plants NEED sleep to function properly.
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Stop spraying them, it does nothing and they don't need it..........just water them properly.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
Don't spray it with rain water. Don't try to do too much... relax. Doing things that make you feel good but don't provide any benefit only increase risks of problems. Rain is often polluted and acidic. Anything upwind from you spewing trash into our atmosphere is coming down in the rain, too. Could be 100 miles away... or more.. just depends on the molecule in question and the risk it poses. use normal water to extract the potassium and whatever else you want from those banana skins. plants take in building blocks through roots and co2 through the leaves. This is what they are built to do and most efficeint way to do it. Yes, foliar feeds can provide some molecules through teh stomata and in some very specific cases will help deliver those more expediently to a problem area on the plant. But, doin it just to do it is just amounts to masturbation... ppl that feel they can do 10,000 extra things to improve outcome and 10 of those things were worth their time and effort and 9,985 were utterly useless... some grey area on purpose here, lol. foliar sprays to prevent disease/pests are smart, don't get me wrong.. but needing a foliar spray to supplement the plant's nutrients is more a sign of a flawed/failing feeding regimen than anything else. it's a "oh shit" button when you need to deliver non-mobile nutrients to a specific area of the plants. In those contexts, it's a very sophisticated option. Read up on it.. it works much better delivering some molecules and virtually useless for others.
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Perdon el ph en sustrato es entre 6 y 6.5 me confundi. Los rangos que puse son para cultivo hidroponico. Disculpas.
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hola. Te recomiendo que midas el ph de tu agua de lluvia. Ya que cultivas en interior y las plantas en vegetacion necesitan un ph de 5.5 a 6 para absorber los nutrientes. Queremos que el ph este en los rangos adecuados. La lluvia es muy buena para cultivos exterior ya que la madre tierra tiene todos los microorganimos que estabilizan el medio de cultivo para que nuestra planta se desarrollen. Conclucion. Puedes usar tu agua de lluvia siempre y cuando tu ec y ph esten en los rangos adecuados para cultivo interior. Suerte
Whiteybulger1814answered grow question 2 years ago
I would just water them normally to be honest, just leave a small ring around the stock as to not saturate the roots maybe a half shot glass of water or even shot glass and keep that up for a week or so until you can water by the dry weight of the pot...Spraying you might burn the leaves or stop respiration of the leaves...Best of Luck looks good so far..
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Also. I see u running a 24hr.. your plant needs rest. 18-6 or at least a 20-4 that'll give them at least 2hrs rest. As it takes 2 hrs for a plant to fall asleep after lights have gone out. So gen its why an 18-6 is suggested.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
1stly your seedling won't last long if you watering by top. You are going to block her pours too much where she needs these at such a crucial stage in her development. There really is no need for it. If she were bigger I'd say spray with something meant to be applied foliage spray. Feed from the roots. She takes in co2 from the top. And also your roots to breath also. So start feeding the sub and if you find its not drying out quickly. Pull back on everything. Till your top sub with fork. It'll help dry quicker But, no more spraying seedling. She had roots for drinking not leafs. You spray clones and that..if they go crisp as they've no roots. But I've never seen/heard any benefits of spraying seedlings with water being honest with you pal. Tips. Try pour away from the stem to reduce the risk of damping off(blowing of stem) Try keep RH in the 70% zone.. try not let temp exceed 25 until they out of veg Run your light at 25-50 at 45c depending on what you using of course. Lots of other things. Feel free to DM me if you have any specific Q. Good luck.
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