
What Should I do?

Bonkheadsstarted grow question 2 years ago
I have fixed the one on the bottom left with a toothpick. This photo is from yesterday and plants growing small leaves now. I foliar sprayed them and pour a tiny bit of water onto them from the leftover but now I am worried I overwatered them the top of the soil wasnt even dry.
Plant. Stem - Weak
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
the top of the soil should only get dry when it is time to re-irrigate... don't try to give small volumes of water... you'll end up with superficial roots or root rot et al... they are stretching a little bit because they need more light.. if you recently increased the light, continue on that path -- observe and react to what you see. plants are fairly independent. you don't have to dote for them to grow well. water and walk away... it's more about OCD to water constantly and apply foliar sprays with no cause. id fix your irrigation habits now before you get set in your ways. always water entire substrate unless you put a tiny plant in a big pot... even then you want to ensure the column you do wet is wet all the way down... soil dries faster up top, this causes roots to drive down... if you constantly wet the surface, you are promoting superficial roots... if they stay too wet all the time, you'll get root rot. i'd wager more susceptible to gnats and such... they feed off the roots..if oyu have more roots near surface that's just more opportunity.
Bonkheadsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Thank you Ser! So what do you suggest when should I re-irrigate? Now that you see my pot size, relatively how dry is it. Should I wait one week before I water again or what?
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
*larva feed off the roots, not the mature gnats.
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