
Small colas?

Lew420started grow question a year ago
Do my buds look small for their growth stage? Into week 5 of flowering now. They are very densly stacked and not ready to fatten yet but I feel the colas could have been longer for this far on?
Week 9
Buds. Not fattening
Buds. Other
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a year ago
As they're still fattening.. they'll more than likely double or at least get 1/3 bigger, at least. Id say you've easily got another 5 weeks of flowering. They look really well. As you LST'ed them, and made the bend half way between the shoots you're gonna see your bud spectate than rather it looking like 1 big cola, "and that's all it is in most cases a look. As the buds are on stems and if you don't get excess stretching you see many bud sites come together to make a cola.. But nodes need to be straight.. but, its only a look. And the quality will be seen in your end result/testing.. If your leafs look nice and healthy and you see a steady change in growth, good trichome production.. and you're golden. Good Growing
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question a year ago
It will be, what it will be..........vegging longer than 3 weeks would have produced much more potential.
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