Hello. Yes, I flush. I find if I don't flush, then I get, bad burning-black hard ash and bad tasting smoke.
There was a study done a few years ago by some nutrient company that said we don't have to flush anymore.
You can google and read it yourself. I find holes in this study.
The nutrient co. could make a lot of money if they can convince you not to flush.
The samples were mailed out with The Perfect Pipe which has a filter that takes out most of the bad taste.
The study also said that a certain % of people can't tell the difference between flushed and not flushed buds when smoked.
Some people will try to convince you that, you don't flush your vegetables why do you need to flush your smoke.
My answer is- when you eat something bad your body can get rid of it from both ends, sometimes at the same time 😞
But when you smoke it goes straight to your blood stream via your lungs. I don't need anymore more crap in my blood stream, so I flush.
If you grow organic you don't need to flush and if you grow your vegetables organic then you'll have a happy tummy.