
Should I be flushing now? (I am) Is it too soon? (I think it might be) am I doing it right? (I don't think I am).

tedthetattooiststarted grow question a year ago
10 weeks into my Cinnderella auto grow. Should I start 2 weeks of plain water flushing as its a 11/12 advertised harvest time? Do I increase the amount of feeds or how much water I give each feed? I haven't got a ppm meter yet, is it a pointless exercise without one?
Week 9
Buds. Other
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
I am not a huge fan of flushing to the point where we deplete the medium with copious amounts of water. It does not do the things they claim it to do. If you want more trichomes get better genetics, the more stress you put on the plant does not always equal better results. They can go hermi from stressors or foxtail. Flushing does not improve bud taste, that is a myth and does not have backing, studies have confirmed buds that has been flushed have no more or no less "buildup" in the buds when compared via gas chromatography to each other. A technology that is far superior at detecting these microscopic differences within a substance. On top of this when given a blind taste test via humans senses they have seen that the judges "well seasoned smokers" can not tell the difference between a well cured bud that was flushed or not flushed. You should decrease the feeds as the plants enter their last stretch of life before harvest as they are not using up the same amount nutrients in the medium. This is something similar that happens in the rainy period end of year. if you want you can give only water the last week of life to save yourself some money on nutrients go nuts, but don't water with runoff as the plant will be using the last bits up and starving it is not going to overproduce trichomes in this small period of time, this is done in its main life, cant create something from nothing. If you lack a EC/TDS pen, confirm you are getting runoff if growing in soil less medium of about 10% every time and the buildup of fertilizer in the medium will be minimized. Work your way down to 1/2 then 1/4 the recommended dose of feed for the last 2 weeks of life. and it should be fine. I use a cheep TDS pen and it does the trick. fancier ones exist and some people just never use one. I like it for the diagnostic purpose to help troubleshoot things like this. As for advertised finishing times. they are not always accurate. especially with autos as they can be quote unpredictable. keep an eye on the plants growth/pistils and trichomes for indicators of when its ready. Good Luck!
Selected By The Grower
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question a year ago
Si no tienes medidor de ec puede que te sobrepases de alimentación. Para el próximo cultivo puedes obtener 1 para mayor presión de nutrientes. En este caso puedes regar solo con agua los últimos 10 días antes de la cosecha. Esto provoca estrés y la planta asimila que llega su fin de ciclo y promueve la maduracion de tricomas. En mi caso yo no riego con nutrientes la última semana ya que la planta pasó su etapa de engorde y esta en la etapa de duración de tricomas. Suerte
Robertsanswered grow question a year ago
You are in heavy bulking. Your plant has 3 weeks roughly left. You need to provide a diet rich in potassium, and phosphorus with light nitrogen. I always flush. As far as green harvest comment. The point is to stress the plant so she ups her defenses to produce more trichromes. Plus get nutrition out of plant for better taste, and quality. We literally stress these plants their whole lives in one form or another. Because you don't have a tool dies not make it pointless. Good luck. 🌱
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GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question a year ago
I have personally been flushing 10 to 14 days prior to the harvest but I don't think I will be doing it in my next grow because I've come to the realisation that it's a bit of a meme. If you want to feed nutrient-less water for the last few waterings, that's fine but flushing is just a stress inducer. Now more specifically on your grow, you still have at least 2 weeks to go so get yourself a Jeweller's Loupe (x30 magnifier) to check the trichomes on your buds. You want the milky trichomes to have taken over your buds and around 20% of them be amber for the perfect harvest. LESS Amber trichomes would create more of a head high (Sativa type effect) while MORE Amber trichomes would lead to having a more body high, couch lock type of effect (Indica type). Personally, I wouldn't go for much more Amber trichomes because those trichomes are turning amber because their THC has deteriorated (or at least started to). Good luck with the rest of your grow. This is the final stretch buddy. Enjoy the yield
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