yup you got some sort of growth there...
2-way humidity control packs have limitations...
the buds should be dry by the time you start to seal it up... or nearly dry.
if it was sealed in a jar, the whole things is suspect even if you don't see signs... the spores didn't have anywhere else to go in that jar.
dry on surface does not equal "dry" ... when surface is first dry to touch it probably needs another 12-24 hours of open air drying. this is point you can start a "sweating" process or just let it dry a bit longer before sealing.. check buds 8-12 hours later, and if they have softened up on outside again, you proll need to remove them for more drying... repeat that process till it stops "sweating". dry, seal, dry seal... etc... when it stops sweating, you'll still want to burp the jar 1/day for a bit... make sure it is at equilibrium before slowing down on burping.
a 2-way humidity pack has it's weight listed, for example 8 grams. It should weight roughly 8 grams and hve room above still.. if it's 9-10 grams it's probably not soaking up much moisture anymore at that point. i don't know if it's 125% or wahtever.. but at some point the humi-pak will stop gainingn weight and you know at that point it no longer controlls too high humidity. if concerned, you can always weight them... if heavier than listed, leave it out in open air till it gives you room on both sides for 2-way humidity control.
they aren't meant to soak up 80% of plant mass when first chopped (water weight). even a 67-gram pack isn't going to soak up a kilo or 2 of moisture.