
Bud Rot? What needs to get tossed? Entire jar/container/bag or Only affected Buds?

A_Stoned_Llamastarted grow question 10 months ago
Bud Rot? I assume so. What needs to get tossed? Entire jar/container/paper bag, or Only affected Buds? This batch, from a single plant, has smelled off. I pulled them from jars and tossed them in a paper bag overnight. Smells better but I saw the rot when looking at buds again.
Week 19
Other. Mold
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 10 months ago
the infection would stop once the moisture content fell low enough, but ... if you see spots, through it out. long-term storage with it wouldn't be wise of course. and anythignin teh same container likely have sports even if dormant / not growing once it's fully dried. or so slow it's immeasurable except after 6months type thing. sometimes you do what you gotta do. i'd suggest erring on safe side as others said. pick through it.. see what you see.. any hint of odd flavor from clean buds, then toss it out. smell test can help. It's hard to see anything specific in these pics.. some discoloration? the smell is obviously more important here. your bud from the diary doesn't look extremely green. some buds come dark or brownish naturally too. maybe not brown but less bright green, lol. and that green fades more over time too.
Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 10 months ago
Just don't use moldy weed!
GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question 10 months ago
sorry to hear buddy 😕. Chuck the infected buds and keep the once that were enxt to them in a separate container. Keep a close eye on the ones that were next to them so that you can remove the infected once immediately if the spread continues. This is for sure not the safest solution because for Ultimate safety you need to throw it all away BUT this should be safe enough from my knowledge Hope this helps
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 10 months ago
in a separate area, maybe bakc deck... find a discolored spot and pry open the buds.. any white to grey fibrous-looking growth? wouldn't eliminate all possibilities, but would eliminate bortytis.
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 10 months ago
Lamento lo ocurrido. Desecharia todo lo que este en el mismo tarro. No usaría para nada esos cogollos. Puede ser perjudical para la salud
AsNoriuanswered grow question 10 months ago
I feel your pain ... But , if it was in jar for few days or more, i would chuck all out, even jar itself. Mould multiply by air with spores, you dont know what was infected and what will be. Be careful if you have grow going, having it on paper to dry makes all room infected ... There will be more advices, i see you understand what bud rot is, you found it inside of bud, but still, as i said you dont know what was infected and what you will infect .... I would take loses now and prevent even theoretical spread possibility...
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