
Grow Diaries Rule Regulations needed

uptown4lifestarted grow question 6 months ago
can anyone inform me where i can find the what,why and hows of Grow Diaries. I am not sure how all the icons and rules work.i dont know where to find that information about G.D. Can someone let me know where to find it or explain how it all works. thank you.
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m0useanswered grow question 6 months ago
I also was looking for something like this back in the day. there is no on-boarding or guide of all the features and tools on the site. Sometimes if you hover your mouse over the item in question it may pop up with something saying that it is. the big thing I did not understand in my beginning is the inbox feature. In the bottom right hand side of the site is you inbox. it will be green if you have messages and white is you don't. its got an icon of a paper airplane. One solid tip of advice, don't use your real name or address in your profile setup. The sites had data leaks before and they did nothing to let anyone know, not even a update your password. Contests are more popularity contests and don't always reflect skill set... like almost always. there are groups of trolls and users who are dicks and the same goes for users and groups who are kind. If you stay out of the contests you will not likely experience any of the bad. A lot of users spam diaries and such with garbage comments in hopes to get a "like" its how your rank is controlled. get more likes get a better rank. however the ranking system is easily exploited and means jack shit... this site has gurus who peach pseudoscience and when you call em out on it they get real pissy, GD favours higher ranked accounts and bans lower ranked ones more so if that person is to write to them about it and you are being viewed as a bully or troll. If you have questions or are uncertain of something, take a screen shot and circle it in red then ask a new question, or use you inbox and write to someone. There is a lot of shit in this site but also some good parts, just need to learn to weave in and out of it all. Good Luck!
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 6 months ago
You can find information about GD on the /terms page, how they make money on the /partner page and some rules on the /faq page. Otherwise, you can /contact them or use the chat (they usually don't answer ><').
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 6 months ago
Check out the FAQ page or the terms page, should be able to find the rules and everything else on one of the two pages.
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