
Seeds in bud

James0848started grow question 5 months ago
Can you get seeds in your flower from just genetics? I grew 4 plants in which none ever showed any signs of stress but one of the plants has seeds in the bud . Any idea how this happened? It was the northern lights from seedsman.
Week 7
Buds. Other
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 5 months ago
When a plant grows old without being pollinated, it may try to reproduce on its own, producing male flowers in the middle of female flowers. It's possible to limit this phenomenon by manually (and carefully) pollinating a lower flower earlier in the flowering period.
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m0useanswered grow question 5 months ago
it was prob nanners, Small yellow bananas in the flower that plants make end of life sometimes. They are one part of the male sexual reproductive system. Normally when cannabis has a fully functioning male anatomy, it has a bunch of nanners in a sack, sometimes referred to as "balls" and they tend to grow balls in bunches. When the balls open the pollen flys. Whole male parts, balls and sacks are much more fertile then single random lone nanners in flowers end of season. If you only have a few seeds its w/e, if you have many seeds then it could be a bit of an issue. The seeds might be more prone to growing nanners again. I would toss out the seeds or eat them, you could save them if your really desperate buy your asking for more issues down the road. Good Luck!
Ctrellis90answered grow question 5 months ago
Actually yes, it probably reversed sex on its own unfortunately or turned hermaphroditic and pollinated herself. This does happen sometimes but less likely with better genetics....NL has been known to do so from time to time. It's always good to watch your plants especially if you're growing multiple strains from different breeders, to make sure this doesn't happen again. At least she only pollinated herself.
Organomananswered grow question 5 months ago
Pollen = seeds No pollen = no seeds. It is impossible to get seeds without at least one male flower somewhere. You can't get pregnant without eggs and sperm!
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 5 months ago
Hello my friend, 1 of your plants made some male flowers, if can be as small as 1 nanner or 1 pollensack to give you seeds in the buds. It happened a few times to me and I made bubble hash from these buds and edibles. But you can also smoke them, just get the seeds out after grinding. And to answer your question, yes bad genetics can produce hermies. But good genetics can do aswell when they are stressed for some sort of reason. And most cannabis plants get stressed when they are near harvest and still did not get pollinated. That is actually the plant her own reason to make the buds. She does not create then so humans can smoke them XD
GanjaGeckoanswered grow question 5 months ago
Hey grüß dich. Das mit den seeds oder microseeds ist leider etwas "normales". Es gibt ein deutsches Youtube Video dazu. Es kommt oft bei feminisierten-Samen oder automatics vor, weil da schon sehr in die Natur eingegriffen wurde. Feminisierte-samen Samen werden durch "Manipulation" hergestellt. Um feminisierte-samen herzustellen braucht es zwei weibliche reguläre Pflanzen. Eine weibliche Pflanze wird unter Stress gesetzt und zwittert so das sie männliche Geschlechtsorgane bildet. Wenn man diese Pflanze jetzt die andere weibliche bestäuben lässt, werden die Samen alle weiblich, weil sich im Prinzip das Erbgut von zwei weiblichen Pflanzen vermehrt. Bei Automatics wird das ganze noch mit Ruderalis gekreuzt. Man greift da schon sehr in die Natur ein. Wenn man ganz sicher gehen will keine seeds oder microseeds in den Knospen zu haben, muss man reguläre Samen benutzen und selektieren, bei regulären hat man existiert das Problem wohl nicht. Weiterhin viel Spaß mit dein Ladys💚
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