I am the king of cheap grows lol I have a space similar for clones.
I use mylar space blankets on walls, they are cheaper than foil and more effective.
you only need 40-50 watts @ around 18-12 inches from canopy. Any flat shop style light for around 25 dollars at walmart or similar shop store. Also add or remove smaller bulbs in leu of a dimmer. to get enough light for cheap.
Good grow lights are 200 lm/w vs most regular shop lights
@100 lm/w its slightly more heat but you'll need some ventilation regardless!
You will not find much over 150w grow light in that size but they have a dimmer which is handy, you will not need more than like 50%, and if you are going to expand 150 watts will do up to a 2x2. 👍(P.S. the IMVSINCERE BC100W on amazon for 50 dollars ATM)