
Can i get your General opinion and feedback?

Ukulele47started grow question 16 hours ago
Hello , 1st time grower here , have this auto blueberry from bulkseed bank if im not mistaken. i think im somewhat between week 8-9 in flowering. but i have a hard time remembering , since im working nights and mess upp my week days lol. will it bulk some more the last weeks?
Other. General questions
001100010010011110answered grow question 16 hours ago
Yeah, the hairs look long, you have some fattening remaining for sure. Stigmata will look short when the calyxes plump around them. Once you see color they are not receptive to pollen and will continue dying and coil up. I'd expect a big difference by end of week and then 10-14 days beyond that for reichomes to mature. 3 weeks, give or take some days.
Selected By The Grower
001100010010011110answered grow question 16 hours ago
Make a spreadsheet. Enter date in one cell, then below it "=c2 +1" -- if it was entered into c2. highlight send row, then move cursor to bottom-right corner and drag down 100 days or so. Now have a calendar. Do the same with a "count" column. "1" then "=a2+1" and you have a day count from whatever starting date you entered into C2. Another colum for flower phase (for photoperiods) or just type a "0" where on the date it starts and the day count will restart from that point automatically. Save as template - change date in first cell and everything updates, ready to go. maybe a column to indicate when you irrigated, volume of water used, daily electricity used, or just "notes".. a little digital clipboard to keep you on track and can reference
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