
Buds no fattening and green pistils (Week 3 - 4 of blooming outdoors)

nonick123started grow question 19 hours ago
Something strange is happening in the plants Week 3 - 4 of blooming outdoors and in 4 / 6 plants happens: The pistils formed have turned green. The formation of the buds has stopped. I have some leaves curling upwards on the top leaves Any idea what happening and how to fix?
Week 14
Buds. Not fattening
pheliceanswered grow question 12 hours ago
If it produces seeds the pistills would get brown from the end to the beginning. But i don´t think that´s your problem, cause you said the buds stopped in their growth. I guess the ladies are revegging and thats the reason you get now leaves instead of pistils. The curled leaves usually occur with too much heat/light (and too little RLF). Can you say something about the lightconditions (intensity and duration)?
Zengroweranswered grow question 12 hours ago
Hey buddy, looking at the symptoms it looks to be that this lady has been pollinated. After this the pistils can color brown or green and the buds also stop growing. Which is exactly as you described here.
pifflestikkzanswered grow question 16 hours ago
Im not certain, but it appears to be she's trying to reveg / veg and flower. What's the weather and how long is ☀️ up for? It looks like light / heat stress, but the green pistils I have no idea. Contact the breeder and see if it could be a genetic thing once, temperature, light, humidity have all been crossed off. All best of luck bro, I'll keep checking to see if someone has a answer for your pistils issue ✌️ Hope you can resolve it🙏💚
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Shinsimillaanswered grow question 17 hours ago
What has your weather been like the last little while? It looks like heat stress. Heat can burn the pistils and make the leaves taco, so that would be my 1st guess.
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