Consider what you change heading into bloom and add that to the list of possible causes.
Ramping up P/K too high can have negative impects. Locking things out or too much buildup of P/K which leads to chlorosis in new growth with thinner blades among other symptoms.
based on ratios, probably too much P even if that is not a cause of the visible symptoms. FF trio is just a shitty ratio, that's all. It'll take more trial and error to figure out a formula that works and almost awlays need to add a source for caclium with their products if the soil can't provide it by itself.
the plant may have both buildup and deficiency from the diet, which makes diagnosing strictly from visible symptoms difficult at best.
This stuff doesn't happen overnight, so consider the changes you made 2-3-4 weeks ago or even longer. Maybe it's your bloom formula over long-haul that simply is not balanced properly for a wide variety of plants. just becasue it works for "1" plant doesn't mean it is a good formula or that the problem lies in the plants it doesn't work well with - that's called hubris. the fault almost always lies with our actions and not the plants.
i'd find some people that successfully use FF trio and mimic what they do and adjust relative to your local variables -- the plant will dictate what to do.
Or, better option... buy fertilizer that doesn't have a cartoon graphic like it's trying to market sugary cereal to children, lol. "Marijuana" branded stuff is usually poorly thought out, esoteric formulas that don't work as well as existing general knowledge of fertiization needs/methods and over-priced. Fertilizer is made from cheap ingredients athat are commodities. that means that unless you are working with some oddball products, there is no such thing as quality differences.. paying more doesn't get you better fertilizer. Just buys some fancy clothes for the emperor that nobody else can see.