Ultravioletanswered grow question 7 days ago
70 rh% is alot of moisture for 72f, hard environment to breathe, hard environment to photosynthesize at low temps. Plastic pot prevents oxygen action of rootzones also.
When water is not moving anywhere it eventully screws your ph.
What's your ph?
Why we need to know and what it will tell us?
Percent base saturation (BS) is the percentage of the CEC occupied by the basic cations Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+. Basic cations are distinguished from the acid cations H+ and Al3+.
At an approximate soil pH 5.4 or less, Al3+ is present in a significantly high concentration that hinders growth of most plant species, and the lower the soil pH, the greater the amount of toxic Al3+. Therefore, soils with a high percent base saturation are generally more fertile because:
1 They have little or no acid cation Al3+ that is toxic to plant growth.
2 Soils with high percent base saturation have a higher pH; therefore, they are more buffered against acid cations from plant roots and soil processes that acidify the soil (nitrification, acid rain, etc.).
3 They contain greater amounts of the essential plant nutrient cations K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ for use by plants.
Depending on soil pH, the soil's base saturation may be a fraction of CEC or approximately equal to CEC. In general, if the soil pH is below 7, the base saturation is less than CEC. At pH 7 or higher, soil clay mineral and organic matter surfaces are occupied by basic cations, and thus, base saturation is equal to CEC.