4 years ago
Wendyliciouscommented4 years ago
Hey Bluntzilla!! I'm extra grateful for your response on my post. I'm still figuring out how to best use this site and communicate with other growers like me. I bought a 3way meter for each plant and idk if that will help me with the PH. The thing is, my tap water is super hard. God only knows how fix water when it's unusable for this purpose. I have a water testing kit for my fish tank, I suppose I can use it to check the water quality, but I've got no clue how to make it so I can use it. Can u help? I'd also appreciate it if you would take a look at my latest question - seems I've got 1 slightly discolored leaf....just one. Should I be worried? Cuz I am. Didn't come this far to fail now, lol.
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