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Growing, years
P 20%
Quebec Cannabis Seeds QCS
Breeders of choice:
100% Quebec Cannabis Seeds QCS
Terra Aquatica
Nutrients of choice:
62% Terra Aquatica
37% Root Farm

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White Widow CBD x 3
20 weeks
White Widow CBD x 3Zappdoggy
CBD White Widow
2 years ago · 11 comments
Northern Lights CBD x 2
20 weeks
Northern Lights CBD x 2Zappdoggy
CBD Northern Lights
2 years ago · 19 comments
Fruity OG Kush
15 weeks
Fruity OG KushZappdoggy
Fruity OG Kush
2 years ago · 10 comments
Super Skunk
16 weeks
Super SkunkZappdoggy
Quebec Super Skunk
2 years ago · 13 comments
Grape Skunk
9 weeks
Grape SkunkZappdoggy
Grape Skunk
2 years ago · 6 comments
Acapulco Gold
9 weeks
Acapulco GoldZappdoggy
Acapulco Gold
2 years ago · 6 comments
Skunk #1
9 weeks
Skunk #1Zappdoggy
Skunk No.1
2 years ago · 3 comments

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I am glad I chose GH, no complaints about their products and the plants grew healthy all the way through.
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2 years ago
CBD Northern Lights
Growing it
About 10% amber so I chopped them. I would have liked 20% but I got impatient. Healthy strain. If the CBD does as good as they grew I will be happy. I'll post weights once dry. Well this crop is disappointing as far as yield goes. NL 1 - 16g NL 2 - 23g I triggered these at about 24 inch so I will grow till 36" before budding next crop. It is disappointing but it is better than last crop so things are improving. I also had some lighting issues which are now figured out so that kept them from reaching full potential. Now it cures. Smoke report when ready. OK, it is cured enough for a sample. It needs maybe one more week to cure out the last of the nasty uncured tastes. Nothing spectacular in flavours, kind of reminds me of a kush without the spice. Fast hitting buzz and feels like a sativa. Not great but not bad either. I hope the CBD part is strong. I get a short term relief of pain but the great pain killer effects only last an hour or so. Would I grow it again? Well I still have a few CBD seeds for next crop so I will know better by then whether I want to continue down the CBD trail. I have one more Northern Lights CBD and two of the White Widow CBD seeds. Buds are a bit fluffy, could be denser but I had some lighting problems in the last few weeks. Onward to the next crop, its getting better each crop.
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2 years ago
I am glad I chose GH, no complaints about their products and the plants grew healthy all the way through.
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2 years ago

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Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Has anyone watched some Youtube videos by Dr Bruce Bugbee from Apogee Instruments? I find his lectures on lighting to be the most straight forward explanations I have heard yet. I found his vid called "The New 400-750 nm ePAR Range Explained with Dr. Bruce Bugbee" to be eye opening on lighting colours. I have changed my LED's based on a few of his vids. He explains what plants really want and those Burple lights just don't cut it. For those that don't know he is a professor at the University of Utah that legally studies cannabis growth. He takes the science of weed grow to a whole new level.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
@Ultraviolet, Some nice scientific thinking there. I recently came across the method of turning all lights off for 72 hours in a BuildaSoil video. I was unsure about its effectiveness but then I found it in another video and started to contemplate its use. But the blue light is a good idea and I can understand how it works. The UV addition I had already heard of and prepared for by having a bunch of UV LED's already. I am using a small amount of 400nm UV right now in early bud and plan to add some strong 370nm UV for that last couple of weeks. Temperature is where I will have some problems keeping it down to below 67. I will probably have to rig my A/C to blow directly into the tent, I have a hard time keeping the temp in the tent below 27 with the lights on. I also have the problem that my tent is in my bedroom so I can not get the temp down that low. I think the 400nm UV helped trigger the plants cause they started preflower within 2 days after trigger. The blue definitely slows down the stretch. My Fruity stretched 2 inches in one day and then added the blue and it has grown only a half inch in 3 days. Once the stretch period is done I will cut back from 20 watts to 10 watts of blue until the finish. Do you think 30 watts of blue will be enough for that 72 hour period in a 4x2 tent? I plan to add more eventually. I am using 3 watt LED's but am thinking of blue tape around the walls like I did with the 620nm red. You mentioned 8 hours of blue, do you think 12 hours of blue would be too much? Right now I am using 10 watts each of 460nm blue, 530nm green, 660nm far red, 720nm IR along with 450 watts of white full spectrum and adding an extra 10 watts of blue for the stretch. Adding 445nm Royal Blue is in the plans as well as the 370nm UV by next crop. At this stage I want to have more of the full spectrum than the plants need. It is only speculation since I have no way to measure each colour but I think it is pretty close to the spectrum of the natural sun. Thanks Ex_Alchemist. You have confirmed a few ideas and added a few more new ones. For those that notice the 3 watt LEDs and my stating that I am using 10 watts, I am using 5 x 3 watt LED's of each colour throttled down to about 2 watts each in order to keep temps down and extend the life of the LED's.
Ultravioletcommented2 years ago
@Zappdoggy,This week we will be removing all red light/warm white, I'm going to oversaturate with the blue wavelength this will send flavinoid/terpene production into overdrive, reflecting the blues in the sky of winter. The plant is hardwired to prepare for the worst, in nature if she was still not pollinated she would increase terpene production in hopes of attracting animals/insects/pollen, she is getting desperate. Naturally, the plant only stores so much, but by dropping the RH% the plant closes its stomata, extreme drought stress will send the plant in a death spiral not only producing a last burst of thc. Without the ability to perspire the plant will store all the flavinoids/terpenes. 3 days of pure blue(replacing all flowering lighting), dropping temp after day 2 of blue and keep it below 67, terpenes can start to degrade above 67. All drying will be done as cold as possible, curing will be done refrigerated. After 3 days (8)hours/day of blue they will slide right into 72 hours of complete darkness, harvest should be ready after that. Immediately upon harrvest Atomic decay chains, no matter how you shake it, cold slows things down, this includes metabolic rates, rate of cell decay, just like it slows bacteria growth on food/organic biomass. I want to preserve at allllllllllllllllllll costs every last atom of flavor and smell, keeping them below 67 is essential, I am in no hurry with cure/dry. Last harvest I done some personal testing with various dry/cure methods, also I have been reading up on the biological process involved since, the cured buds that spent their life in very cold refrigerator by far the most desirable results, so preserved and smooth, smoked directly from chilled adds a nice touch too. Like smoking a fine perfume, minus the hacking ofc, really takes it to next level in terms of smell/flavor. Plants with more direct UV showed much more purple across all 3 plants. The data shows that the number of terpenes in dried Cannabis flowers increase with a “No Red” light treatment for the final three days of production. Based upon these findings, we feel confident in recommending a spectrum control program that eliminates red light output from growspace for the final 72 hours of the Cannabis flowering cycle.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
@Ultraviolet, My last few crops were prone to the stretch really bad which caused some freaking out. I turned on 20 watts of Blue LED 2 days ago and there is no more stretch. It works much better than expected. Once the stretch season is over I may cut back to 10 watts or I could add 10 more watts. I'm curious about the terpenes improvement. For me the high is only secondary, I go more for the flavours. Was that Blue LED tape I saw in one of your pics? I'm using red LED tape along the walls about bud height. I may consider some blue tape simply cause I like adding the light from the sides, the lights don't take up any room inside the tent. For the Red tape I'm using type 2835 @ 240 LED per meter or 60 watts per 5 meter. My innovation comes from a very limited pension so I make do with what I got.
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Thundrfukcommented2 years ago
Hey Bro, hope all is well? I was reading about the very similar Fruity Pebbles 2.0 on quebeccannabisseeds.com and Noticed it basically has almost identical leaneage and in the description it states "This strain has bountiful colors the leaves turn yellow then red looks like a rainbow especially outdoors." This makes total sense for what we have been experiencing with the yellows/reds/purple colours! Crazy, I love this strain, cant wait for chop.👊
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
@Thundrfuk, I trimmed off a few tiny lower branches from Fruity with barely popcorn buds so decided to dry and speed cure. There might be a doobie worth but I just want to get a sense of the flavour. My version of a speed cure is let it dry to 50-60% RH then in a ziplock over something warm until the fresh hay smell cures. I wouldn't do it with a whole harvest but it does allow a sample of the finished flavours. Should be puffable in a day or two. I will let you know how it tastes.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
@Thundrfuk, Holy mommy poop. You are right, That is the same colour scheme as yours. I am not getting any colours like that, mine have only turned yellow. It must be a slightly different phenotype plus I did stress the hell out of mine a couple of times. Nice info find.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
After trying some Nova OG with high CBD I decided my next grow would be CBD. I ordered up my seeds from Quebec Cannabis Seeds. White Widow CBD. Even got them on sale. Just the right moment to order. 5 beans of that plus their freebie seeds. 3 Northern Lights CBD, their choice. My next grow will be all CBD. If the genetics of those two are as good as the Fruity OG and Super Skunk now growing I will be very happy. I've tried seeds from 3 places before QCS and none had the quality or service to match them. The only place I will buy from now.
Thundrfukcommented2 years ago
@Zappdoggy,I would totally agree! Tried everywhere basically before and after QCS, looking back never had a problem with those strains. I even really cheaped out once and tried a local breeder and again really bad genetics, tried government strains and many breeders across sea's. QCS is priced well and has ppl working hard to provide us with quality.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
With the CBD strains just about finished I am looking at my seed inventory deciding on what will live in my tent next. I think I will plant four just to give them a little extra room. I have 4 strains that I haven't grown yet so one of each will give me an idea of where I want to go with the crop after that. Skunk #1 Quebec Blue Acapulco Gold Grape Skunk That leaves me lots of seeds to choose from after that one.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
its too bad GD doesn't look after its customers better. I asked them in chat why I couldn't post a comment cause I was blocked for 7 hours. What the hell is that? No reply at all
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Just received another seed order. Acapulco Gold and the freebie was 3 x Grape Skunk. Next crop will be interesting. I have these seeds to choose from White Widow CBD Northern Lights CBD Skunk #1 Quebec Blue Acapulco Gold Grape Skunk I will only be doing 6 plants at most (depending on how the 5 CBD do in the tent) It maybe tight. I'm thinking one of the best of the CBD, 2 x Skunk#1 and one each of the rest. A wide spectrum of flavours and smells.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Something that boggles my mind. I have spent considerable time comparing spectrum graphs for LEDs and most grow lights, all the popular models. If you put the spectrum graph of the sun beside any of them, there are no grow lights that even come close to the spectrum of the sun. I find it strange that no companies are trying to copy the sun spectrum. I realize that the extreme lower end and upper ends of the spectrum are more expensive to produce so one that is chopped off just outside of par would be enough, no need for the extreme UV and IR of the sun in a tent. But with the general shape of the sun spectrum. Everyone seems stuck on the spectrum of what a plant uses. Why not the sun? It would supply the right colours of light for any plant or phenotype. All plants evolved using the full spectrum of the sun. To add to the full spectrum how about pre-set Spring, Summer and Fall spectrum settings? Adjust the strength of each colour accordingly, more blue in summer and more red in spring and fall. You can cover the whole spectrum with about a dozen colours of LEDs and if each was adjustable it would be easy to match the sun. I plan to eventually have only coloured LEDs so that the indoor sun can be achieved. Now to find a spectrum analyzer that can show that for a price I can afford. Ha ha.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Well. Ain't this typical? I just switched to 12/12 9 AM to 9 PM less than a week ago and now I just had to reset the timer to 11 PM to 11 AM. With an electrical meter being hooked up tomorrow means I will be charged for power so I moved their growing time to nights for the cheaper power rate. A choice between a long day or a long night to get to that 11/11. Since they just got triggered I figured a long night of 26 hours would be better. I think if they were still in veg I would give them the long day. Actual amperage reading and calculations puts the cost of lighting at about 24 a month.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Damn. I knew it was too good to last. I just got a notice that the apartment building will be installing electrical meters in each suite. Damn. no more free power. A timer set for running at night will only cost me about 40 a month so its not the end of the world. But Damn anyway.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Thought on CBD weed. I look forward to trying both White Widow and Northern Lights CBD strains. Pain relief is one thing I am after from it. This old body got abused and bruised for a lifetime then sort of got hung up to hang for the last few years. Thats when the old age started making itself felt and all that abuse caught up with me. Retroactive I should have kept myself much more active. Oh well, I'm working on that. The other thing I look forward too in CBD strains is the lower THC levels. Most of the weed I smoked in my early years was low grade probably around 10% THC. I like to smoke often so that I am smoking less of those damn cigarettes but the high levels of THC in today's weed gets me too messed up and too quick when I smoke as often as I would like. The 10% THC levels of the CBD strains should make smoking more often much easier. Damn, I think I better get some more CBD seeds soon. I have seeds to grow 3 CBD next crop.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
Just received my order from Quebec Cannabis Seeds. The real Skunk #1 this time and the freebie was 3 Quebec Blue seeds. A Blue Fire and Grand Daddy Purple cross. I look forward to both.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
ph Meters What a pain in the you know what. I have had 3 meters in the last year or so. Two cheap ones and one a bit better Vivosun. i checked out numerous ph meters some recommended. The main problem with them is they all need to be calibrated often with a buffer solution. Then the drying out problem, I even tried storing one meter with the sensors in water in between uses. Because of one meter I had been giving my plants water that likely ph'ed at under 5 and into the 4's. I found out by checking with ph test strips. My meter said 6.8. One Vivosun in the trash. Then I thought about how accurate the ph needs to be. My city water varies from 7 to 9. Is it really that important to have exactly 6.2 or whatever your desired ph to be? In nature the ph fluctuates a fair bit. Is it really going to hurt growth by having 6.1 then 6.8 the next watering? ph test strips to the rescue. They are faster than a meter, probably accurate to within a half point. I am going to stay with the test strips for a crop or two and see how it goes. No batteries, no calibrating, no buffer solutions.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
For those interested in trying something new, how about a coffee and weed wine? I call it Black Alaskan since I used Alaskan Thunderfuck every time I made it. Sweet, potent, sort of tastes like Tia Maria or Kahlua liqueurs. It takes about a month to make. Here is the recipe https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/unclezapaudiozap/viewtopic.php?p=1185#p1185
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
For those that have troubles with seed germination Quebec Cannabis Seeds sends out a paper of their recommended method with orders. Check out the photo section of either of my diaries. I am a true believer in this method.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
My last crop I got wiped out by spider mites so I did the usual strip and clean. Then I sprinkled a thin line of Diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of the tent. That works great but I would get the occasional harmless flying bug in there. Then I added maybe 1 watt of 400nm UVa at the ceiling level that are on the timer circuit. Now I don't get any bugs of any sort. they don't seem to like the UV, Just my thoughts on how I keep the bugs away.
Zappdoggycommented2 years ago
420@home Howdy all I have an old website that needs some new input and insight and I am looking for someone to take it over. A free website. https://420athome.webs.com/ Wander through and give me your thoughts