Miracle Alien Cookies is a highy reccomendable strain and I enjoyed it immensely.
I waited a full week after the main harvest so that I could sample a bud or two for a review.
Firstly I tried a small bowl in my portable vape and it was amazing! both in flavor and potency.
Instant hit between the eyes followed by a whole body relaxation . Over the last few days, I also had
a couple of bongs and a Joint just to get an all round impression of the strains merits.
Grown outdoors in my living soil garden gave the classic cookies flavor an earthy natural blend that I really
really am enjoying.
Score out of 10 per gategory I give to all my grows
Germination and vegetation stage -
germinating was a no drama issue and they had fairly good early vigor
The vegetative stage was also good with plenty of leaf and branch development each week
Score 9/10
Suitability for taking cuttings with high success-
Ease of training the plant without stressing or breaking it-
Flowering stage-
Miracle alien cookies set flower quickly and develeped nice and fast , fattening up week by week.
giving off ever increasing levels of cookie dough aroma intensity.
Harvested and dried bud quality against 10 being the best I've ever had and 0 for the worst hay tasting shit ever-
So overall good scores for the MSNL miracle alien cookies variety
*these scores are my opinion only*