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Interview with DudeGrowsWeed

Q: Hi there, @DudeGrowsWeed. How are you feeling? What are you up to today?
A: I’m feeling much better these days, thanks for asking. Today I’m working on updating my diaries, watching some TV and playing some guitar. Oh, and I might be smoking here and there too ;)

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? How old are you? What do you do for living? Family, pets? What's your dream?
A: Originally I’m from New York. But I’ve lived in Virginia, Florida, Tennessee and currently I’m living in Vermont. I just turned 50 in the spring (still can’t believe that). I work for a software company providing tech support. I’m married with 2 sons and a parakeet. My dream would be to grow cannabis for a living, I’d love to start a small cannabis farm specializing in high quality flower, similar to craft brewers in the beer industry.

Q: Do you sell weed or grow for personal use only? What are your absolute favorites?
A: Personal use only, I never sell. Sometimes I’ll give or trade with friends, but I’m not interested in selling - at least not on a personal level. If things change, I’d love to have my own farm and sell to dispensaries. But I’m not interested in participating in the black market.

Q: How and why did you start going weed? Please tell us about your first try.
A: I started growing weed because I wanted to spend less on buying weed and also wanted to stop depending on unreliable dealers. My first try was back in the early 90’s. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing and bought whatever I could find at the local Home Depot (lights, containers, soil, etc.). There was not a lot of material available at that time on growing weed. I read as many High Times articles as I could, but was more or less clueless. I grew bag seeds, most of the seedlings died, but a few survived. However, after about a month we started noticing a helicopter flying low and hovering near our house every afternoon. Fearing they were some kind of law enforcement we killed all of the surviving plants and shut down the operation all together.

Q. What do you think about GrowDiaries? Why do you find it useful? What should we improve? Have you met any members offline?
A: I love Grow Diaries! This is my favorite social media’esque site!! Overall, the vibe from the other members is very positive. I find Grow Diaries super useful. Before I actually joined GD myself, I did lots or research on strains as well as growing equipment. Now, I find it great to be able to look back at my diaries and evaluate, what went right, what went wrong, how I might be able to improve next time, etc…. As far as improving GD, I’ll talk about the GOM contest and grower questions/answers specifically. I think when grow questions with answers go without a best answer selected for a week the diary owner should be notified and prompted to select a best answer. If after 2 weeks there is still not a best answer selected, the best answer should be automatically selected based on the number of likes the available answers have received. I have a few friends who also grow, but have not met anyone in person from Grow Diaries yet. I am open to it. Any growers in the Southern Vermont area should feel free to hit me up.

Q: Who are the growers you are looking up to? Who's your favorite canna celebrity?
A: Growers I look up to here would have to include @Hawkbo, @PharmaZ, and @Tryhard. Their plants always look gorgeous. @SpinnerGrow and @Athos are also impressive, they crushed it in last months GOM contest. Favorite canna celebrities would include Tommy Chong, Ed Rosenthal, as well as the Dude and Scotty Real from the Dude Grows show (no relation btw).

Q: How far is the world from global legalization?
A: Its still farther away than I would like. I hope if the US can finally accept that there are tons of benefits and move cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2, the rest of the world would follow (or maybe the US will follow the rest of the world).

Q: How do you see future of GrowDiaries?
A: Hopefully GrowDiaries continues to be a positive place where growers can share their experiences and help one another. I’d hate to see it become another outlet for venting frustrations and negativity like Facebook, Twitter, etc…

Q: Who should we interview next? Any final words?
A: If you have not interviewed @PharmaZ yet, I’d recommend interviewing him. @SpinnerGrow and/or @Athos would be other good candidates. For my final words I’d just like to say thank you to everyone here in the GD family for all of the kind comments and PM’s I received after my accident. It really helped me get through a difficult time.


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JUNGLE_B4RNScommented6 years ago
Growing weed in the 90’s ... it was a bit like doing alchemy in 15th century 😄👍
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Very true! (and funny) 👍
MissFlowerPower420commented6 years ago
Top journal bud ! Wish UK government would get their heads outa their asses too and legalize this unique medication. I had to laugh at the copper chopper bit , I had a few near misses myself. Hair raising indeed lolol
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420, it sucked to kill the little girls. But not as much as jail. Fair trade I guess.
Tryhardcommented6 years ago
@MissFlowerPower420420,tell me about it 7am the cunt was out flying low
BazookaJoecommented6 years ago
I love logging into GD and seeing there is a new interview haha it makes my day! @DudeGrowaWeed you’re straight killing it and love your work, keep it up! I hope to become a master someday but I’m only just beginning. Many many thanks to @GrowDiaries for allowing us to use this platform to showcase the art of cultivating cannabis! Much luck and happy growing!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@BazookaJoe, Thanks a lot! We all have to start somewhere. Feel free to ask any questions! 👍
Tryhardcommented6 years ago
Great interview it’s a pleasure reading and a pleasure watching your grows mate absolutely smashing it at the moment
Tryhardcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed,I think my problem bro is I tend to over feed and they get stumped. So I tried one in coco and I underfed her and she got stumped I’m learning more and more about them and where I’m going wrong
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@@Tryhard, Good soil and going light on nutrients (roughly 1/2 strength) I think are most important. After that, forget about what the breeder says about _ days/weeks to harvest, the plant will tell you when she's ready. Oh, and paying attention, I'm usually in my tent daily just checking things out, not just on watering/feeding days. That's my 2 cents, for what its worth 😉
Tryhardcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed,Yh would love to see you do some photos I think after my next run I’m goner do a auto run. The very first time I did auto it was a perfect grow nothing went wrong that was my red poison since then I don’t know what has happened fair enough my fast buds stardawg I did recently was big but have done loads. Tell me your secret haha
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Fingerscommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed but you didnt tell us what your favorites
Fingerscommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, nice!! I'll be pulling up a seat!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@@Fingers, I just dropped some new seeds. Feeling motivated by all the attention and kind comments. I’ll get some new diaries up once sprouting begins. But I planted 2 CBD Cream & Cheese (Seedsman), 2 Dinamed CBD+ (Dinafem), 2 Cherry S1 (Elevator Supply Co), 1 Auto OG Kush Rolex (Seedsman) and 1 Auto Critical + (Dinafem) 🤞
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@@Fingers, 2018-19 tent grows coming soon! 👍
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ToadieKcommented6 years ago
great interview!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@ToadieK, Thank you!
TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
Good to learn a bit about you @DudeGrowsWeed! Best of luck and def. see you on your next run bud!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
Horantucommented6 years ago
Great interview! Will definitely have to follow your new diaries. Cheers!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@Horantu, Thanks. New diaries coming soon 👍
bobo420commented6 years ago
Cool interview, good to know you a bit better @DudeGrowsWeed ;)
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@bobo420, Thanks!
Athoscommented6 years ago
Great interview. Best of wishes.
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@@Athos, Thanks bud!
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
Nice Interview, Cool Guy.. I like the " Realness" of You.. Greetings from Germany
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thanks! Keeping it real is all I know. 👍
ChefDan420commented6 years ago
VT is such a 🆒 state, think one of the first or first east coast with legalized weed 👍🏼 I use to go for work (Stowe) and love the state- now weeds legal🤪 I would definitely consider VT if I relocated. Can get fkn cold though. One time I was there for work and it was below zero for 2 weeks😕. I told my boss that I was gonna put a claim into workman’s comp for shrinkage
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@ChefDan420, VT is pretty cool. However, they did drag their feet on legalization imo. There still aren’t any dispensaries open without a medical card. And you are right it does get cold AF here. But the non-winter months are very nice. And it’s a great place to raise a family.
Tazardcommented6 years ago
@dudegrowsweed awesome interview. Nice to know more about you.
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@Tazard, Thanks!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
Thank you @GrowDiaries. I love the cover pic you chose! 👍
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed Thank you for the shout-out 🙌😁 I'm happy to know a bit more about you and your grower life ! Keep it real like you always did 😘
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, I've got 2 schedule : One is the 5/19 (5Hours sleeping) and the other schedule is 12/12 , Now I'm on the 12 / 12 schedule 😂
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@OutForReal, I hope you’re sleeping better this month!
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed,Thank you , I was the 1st one surprised of my score ! I bet that my insomnia and my family vacations helped a lot 😁👍
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PharmaZcommented6 years ago
Awesome interview, thank you for the special mention Dude! There is no doubt you are 1 of the most helpful and kind members on here!👊🏻
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, Yeah that was a good surprise bro 😁 ! Honored 🙌
Athoscommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, Agreed
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, Thanks bro!
Lady_NugWitchcommented6 years ago
Nice interview dude!! Happy 50th... that's me next yr! lol
Lady_NugWitchcommented6 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, anything has got to be better than the 40s...hoping health is better for sure!!!!!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@Lady_NugWitch, Thanks! 50 isn’t too bad so far 👍
GrowingGreenMountainscommented6 years ago
Great interview! Nice to see others from the green mountain state on here.
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@GrowingGreenMountains, Nice to see you're in VT also! 👍
ChefDan420commented6 years ago
Legal to grow there right?
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@ChefDan420, Yes, growing and possession are both legal now. Hopefully sales in 2019.
ChefDan420commented6 years ago
Spent a lot of time in Stowe when wasn’t freezing and it was very nice, some good buds also was a plus- HAF @ Ben & jerry a few times😁
DudeGrowsWeedcommented6 years ago
@ChefDan420, Stowe is about an hour away. I don’t get up that way very often. I’m about 15 mins from Okemo, my regular ski mt in the winter. But I stay in when it’s super cold or windy.